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"Jeno, are you even listening? What kind of ice cream do you want?"

Jeno had zoned out, thinking about other things. He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I guess I'll just have vanilla ice cream with sprinkles.."

Jaemin turned to tell the stand owner their order. Jeno offered to pay but Jaemin refused to let him. After arguing about who should pay, Jeno eventually gave in and let Jaemin pay due to the people behind them in line. They received their ice cream and walked over to sit down at a table. They were about sit but Jeno froze in his spot. In line for ice cream, was the same group of boys from yesterday. He grabbed Jaemin and pulled him into him, blocking Jeno from the boys view.

"Um Jeno, what are you doing?"

Jeno looked at Jaemin, clearly seeing how flustered Jaemin was at their close proximity. Jeno created more distance between them and coughed due to the tension.

"Just I- just look over there! It's the boys from the yesterday!"

Jeno tried to explain to justify why he grabbed Jaemin. Jaemin cleared his throat to gather himself. Jaemin looked over at the boys and felt anger bubble up in him. He rolled up his sleeves, ready to have a nice chat with the group of boys. Jeno realized this and pulled Jaemin off to an area where they wouldn't be seen.

"Jaemin, don't bother with them, they will only mess with me more if you provoke them."

Jaemin sat down in frustration, knowing Jeno was right. They both finished their ice cream, making sure the coast was clear and headed back towards the forest. Jeno hummed to himself, lost in his own little world.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

Jeno snapped out of his trance and stared at Jaemin. He didn't expect Jaemin to ask something like that. This caused Jeno's face to give off a slight pink tint.

"Um, I mean, you can if you want.."


They walked in silence towards Jeno's house, just enjoying each other's company.

"We're here!"

Jaemin looked up at Jeno's house. It wasn't anything special, but looked welcoming. Jeno smiled shyly over at Jaemin, looked down at his feet.

"Um, thanks for today. I really enjoy spending time with you and I wi-"

Jeno was cut off by Jaemin pulling him into a hug. Jeno loved how comfortable he felt in Jaemin's arms. Jaemin released him, smiling up at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Of course!"

"Alright, bye Jeno!"

"Bye Jaemin!"

Jeno watched Jaemin's retreating figure, smiling to himself. He happily skipped inside his house.

"I'm home!"

"Hi sweetie, how was your day?"

"It was pretty good."

His mom smiled at him, "I made dinner so help yourself, and I would like to talk to you after."

Jeno knew exactly what it was going to be about, the bullying. He sighed, he knew he was going to have to lie again.


"Jeno honey, has anything been happening at school lately?"

Jeno could see the concern spread across his mother's face.

"Everything is fine mom."

"You know, your father and I are worried about you.."

"I promise, everything is fine. I would tell you if something was wrong."

Jeno felt guilt wash over him, knowing how much it would hurt his mom to know he was lying about something like this.

"Okay honey, you can always come and talk to me."

His mom smiled sweetly at him and rubbed his arm reassuringly.

"Also, another thing I wanted to talk about, what do you think about getting a dog?"

Jeno laughed at the question, his mom tended to jump from one thing to another.

"It would be nice to have a dog."

"It's a little too quiet in the house, we could use some more company."

With that, Jeno's mom walked off.

Jeno made his way up to his bedroom, sitting down on his bed to think. He didn't understand why his life was suddenly so good. He fell back, giggling to himself. He thought, Jaemin must be his good luck charm.


Okay, how tf are they so cute? My heart literally explodes whenever I see either of them(♡♡)

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