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"Cory, sup bro? Maya, you're back already?" "I got your call to close the café Cory. You said there was an emergency to deal with?" Katy said, putting her coat on the rack and saw her daughter looking forlorn to say the least. "Honey?" Maya didn't answer. She couldn't form any words. "Maya what's wrong?"

"M-Mom, I-" "Maya, what's going on?" Shawn asked her. When Maya didn't answer him, he looked at his best friend. "What do you know Cory?" Cory squeezed Maya's shoulders. "You want me to tell them?" Maya nodded quickly. "Maya told me that Lucas Friar sexually abused her." Katy was in shock, so was Shawn.

"Oh, oh Maya." Katy pulled the girl into her arms and held her tightly. "Mommy.." Maya sobbed in her arms. "I'm sorry Momma." "Why? You don't have to be sorry babygirl, this isn't your fault sweetie! Don't cry my babygirl."

"Shawn was quiet before he whispered something. "Shawn?" Katy looked at the man. "I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him!" He yelled, trying to get past Cory who held him back and pushed him down to the couch.

"No Shawn, I know you're angry and upset, so am I. I'll talk to Topanga, she can help us with this. But first and foremost, the most important person to deal with here is Maya." "I knew something was wrong, I'm sorry Maya, I should have pushed you a little harder."

"Why didn't you talk to us baby?" Katy asked, stroking her hair out of her face, her tears on her cheeks making it stick slightly. "I don't know, I, I didn't want you guys to know..I was scared, ashamed. I felt like it was my fault." Shawn felt his eyes well up with tears and pulled Maya into a hug.

"It was not your fault Maya." "We'll take care of it honey, all of it." Katy stroked her arm before looking up at Cory. "Who else knows?" "Riley, Farkle, and Zay too but obviously he's on Lucas' side."

"Can't the school do something?" "Well Lucas is suspended pending further investigation, but since it didn't happen on the school property, well that's the limit." He sighed, sitting next to Shawn, sadly watching as Maya cried into his chest.

"Can we make a case? Is there evidence? Maya what did you do afterwards? When did it happen?" Katy asked frantically. Maya shook her head, no meaning in the gesture. She couldn't talk. She couldn't think. All she could do was cry.

"Topanga will go through it with her in a little while, I think Maya just needs you both at the moment, let her get it all out." Cory said. "I'm going to call her, go back to the apartment and wait for Riley and Auggie. Ava's mother said she'd drop him home. I'll come back later with Topanga and I'm sure Riley too." He stood up but Maya grabbed his shirt and looked up. "Thank you Mr Matthews." She sniffed.

Cory smiled sadly. "You're welcome Maya." Shawn looked up at his best friend. "Thanks Cory, for taking care of her." "Always Shawny." "We owe you." Katy nodded. "You don't owe me anything, Maya's like one of my own. She's family." Maya smiled faintly and laid her head on her mother's lap, her feet curled up on Shawn's. But neither parent minded, they only cared about Maya. "I'll see you later."

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