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"Hey Riley, Farkle!" Lucas smiled when he saw the two. Maya was lagging behind but he saw her and smiled widely. "Hi Maya." Riley took hold of Maya's hand and squeezed it. "Lucas." Riley said simply. "What's the matter Riley?" Farkle looked at Maya who was looking down at the floor. "Did something happen between you and Maya?" He asked his friend.

"No, we just worked on our science project together." "Oh really?" Riley scoffed. "She looks upset." Farkle frowned. "She has no reason to be upset with me." Maya glared at the Texan and watched as Riley clenched her jaw. "You think so huh?" Maya looked between the boy and girl anxiously. "Riles it's okay, let's just go." Maya tugged on the girl's hand and Riley huffed and followed her reluctantly.

"How can he just act like he didn't do anything wrong?" Riley said in disbelief. "Don't worry about it." Maya said as put in her combination and opened her locker. "Let's just forget it." "Maya he raped you." She said pointedly in a low voice so no one else could hear what she said. "Something has to be done about this." Maya was getting angry, Riley needed to stop, she was getting on her nerves now. Maya slammed her locker and found herself yelling. "Let it go Riley!"

Everyone in the hallway turned around to look at the pair, the halls were silent as all of the people watched them. They rarely fought, so this was class entertainment. Maya shook her head at her best friend and sighed. "Just let it go." She whispered and turned around to go to her own class, luckily for both of them, Maya's class was on the other side of the school, while Riley's wasn't.

Riley looked around at everyone and saw Farkle coming towards her. "What was that about?" Riley took a deep breath and gave a fake smile. "Nothing. Let's get to Science." Farkle knew something was going on, he was too smart to see otherwise, and he was going to get to the bottom of it. He decided it then and there.

"Farkle!" Riley called him when she saw he wasn't following her. "I'm coming." Farkle said and followed the girl, wondering what the heck was happening with his friends.

Maya was distracted in her class, drawing in a sketchbook as her math teacher droned on. "Maya." Maya looked up. "What?" She snapped. The teacher raised an eyebrow. "What's the answer to this problem?" "The one on the board? I don't know. This one? You shutting up." "Miss Hunter!" He yelled. Maya simply stood up and grabbed her things. "I'm outta here." "You can't just leave my class." Maya rolled her eyes. "Oh no? Watch me." She stormed out and stopped in the empty hallway.

Now what?

Maya looked around for an empty classroom and avoided the windows in case someone spotted her. She decided the library would be quiet, obviously, so chose to head to the building.

"No school today?" The librarian asked her. "Nope." Maya lied and continued walking and sitting on her usual windowsill spot. It wasn't dissimilar to the infamous bay window, except it was a little dustier and more old fashioned, and the view outside was dull. Maya turned off her phone and opened her sketchbook. She didn't want any interruptions. She just wanted some peace today. She needed some.

It was Lunch time when Riley discovered Maya was missing. They still hadn't made amends yet, and of course she was worried about her. At least Lucas was still here, disgusted though she was with the boy, she was glad Maya wasn't anywhere near him. "Try calling again." Farkle suggested. Riley sighed. "It's no use, it just goes straight to her voicemail. Her phone must be off." Riley explained as she put her phone down on the table.

"Where do you think she went?" Lucas asked. Riley glared at the boy, his voice was the last thing she wanted to hear. She wanted to hear Maya's voice. "Geez Riley, what's up with you today?" Lucas held his hands up. Riley stood up and slammed her hands on the table. "I know what you did Lucas." Lucas tilted his head to the side. "I'm sorry?" "What are you talking about?" Farkle asked. "Lucas?" She gave him a chance to explain. He didn't. He just continued to act clueless. What an ass.

"Farkle, Lucas..took advantage of Maya." " know.." Farkle trailed. "Yes, like you know." Riley said with gritted teeth. Lucas' eyes darted between his friends. "It wasn't like that, Maya and I, we have feelings for each other, remember?" "No you don't. We've had it all figured out for a while now." Farkle said.

"Maya wouldn't lie about something like that." "It's not like whatever she said to you Riley." Riley pulled the boy up with miracle strength and pushed him out into the empty hallway against the lockers and leaned in close to the boy. "Don't you dare call my best friend a liar." "I'm-"

"You know she tried to drown herself last night? In my bathtub, after sobbing in my arms, Maya tried to kill herself. That was on you. Because of you Lucas." Farkle was in a state of shock.

"Lucas, how could you do that? Maya is your friend. She's been so good to you." "Good to me? Farkle she's made fun of me every chance she got, she's threatened me, pulled me by my shirt." "And that warrants you hurting her like that?" Farkle scoffed.

"Well-" "It doesn't. She's a good person Lucas!" Riley shouted. "And now we know you're not. You're not who I thought you were Lucas, you're not the boy I used to like."

Farkle shook his head. "I don't know you anymore Lucas. Stay away from me, stay away from Riley and especially stay away from Maya. Don't talk to us, don't even look at us." He said in a serious, dark voice. Riley was surprised at him. Farkle was such a sweet guy, but clearly now he meant business.

"Come on Riley, let's go and find Maya. She probably left school." "You're ditching?" Lucas asked. "What did I just say Friar?" Farkle yelled. "Come on, he's not worth it Farkle. Let's start looking for Maya."

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