The Beginning

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Okay guys I've stockpiled some chapters in case of a writer block. Tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions. But without any more waiting, here's the story.

Shawn POV:
I woke with a start, I was screaming. My mom ran in.

Mom: What's wrong son?

Me:  Nothing, I just had another nightmare.

My mind: Nothing new there I've been having nightmares for months now.

Mom: What happened in it?

Me: I was running deep in the woods, when I stopped there was nothing in front of me, I turned around and still saw nothing, when I faced forward again she was there... *shivering*

Mom looked at me with a concerned expression.

Mom: who's "she"?

Me: A faceless woman. *shivering becomes worse*

Mom: Are you sure it's nothing?

Me: Yes mom.

Mom: Okay sweetie, try to get some sleep.

I nodded, after she left I felt like I was being watched. I got up and looked around my room.


After I made sure no one was in my room, I looked out the window and I felt my blood freeze. There by the forest at the edge of the house stood the faceless woman, she was staring at me with non existent eyes. I started to hear static in my ears.

My mind: What is she?

I blacked out.

Slenderwoman POV:
My mind: He saw me, I wonder what he would do if I visited him, or better yet ask him to live with us?

I made a mental connection with Ticci Tami.

Me: Tami I need you to locate a boy named Shawn Sperry's school, send people to monitor him at all times. *then sternly* No killing!

Tami replied with

Tami: Y-you got it S-Slender.

Shawn POV:

When I got up I noticed that I was in the living room, confused I walked around until I came to my parents room. The door was covered in blood. I ran in to see my parents bodies covered with thick layers of blood their bodies was also arranged in impossible positions and in odd way it was intriguing on how it could have been done.
Suddenly my dad's body sat up and howled in pain, my mom lurched at me and screamed like a banshee.

Mom body: Look at what you've done! We are dead because of YOU!

Suddenly their bodies were dissolving into the blood stained wall until only their voices were left screaming my name.

*End Dreamworld*

Mom: Shawn! Wake up!

I woke up in a cold sweat and realized that I was in the kitchen with a knife in my hand. On my left wrist were long deep cuts that were covered in blood.

Me: *sobbing* Mom what's happening?

Mom Began to rub my back saying.

Mom: I don't know, but you're going to start going to those therapist appointments. I know you've been skipping them.

I nodded.

Me: Anything to stop this.

I motioned to my arm. Mom grabbed the bandages to wrap my arm up.

Mom: You were screaming as well as sleep walking. Tell me about this nightmare.

Me: It was just... You and dad were dead but you came back alive blaming me for your deaths, them you both dissolved into the wall.

Mom's face went stern.

Mom: We are going to the therapist office right now.

I was shaking but I nodded.

Me: OK.

*Timeskip an hour*

We got to the office mom went straight to the desk and told them I was in the middle of an emergency.

Desk worker: Of course she'll be with you shortly.

It wasn't even ten minutes when they called us back.

*In the office*
Doctor: So you had this nightmare while you were sleep walking and you hurt yourself?

Me: That sounds like what happened.

Doctor: Any hallucinations before this event?

Me: No.

My mind: They don't need to know that I thought I saw a faceless woman...

Doctor: Well this seems to be an isolated incident, come back if this repeats.

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