What used to be

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"Hey, have you seen anything weird when you went by the D.E.O today?" Lena asked as she planted a kiss on Kara's cheek, discreetly.

"No, nothing. It seems Jeremiah knows how to keep a secret."

"I wouldn't doubt it, seeing as he spent fifteen years with a secret organization." Lena finished as she looked over the piece Kara was working on.

They were at L-Corp, in the secret Lab under the company that Lena allowed only a selective of her scientists to go to, and Kara was one of them. Only three hours in and she already almost perfected most of the flaws in the new prototype, a mechanical arm that could be attached to an amputee's shoulder and follow the commands. It was a very complicated thing to work through, having to make sure that the machine understood the signals the brain sent it and translated them into actions. Then there was the matter of attaching the mechanical limb to the person, which meant that they would go through an extensive surgery.

The limb had a lot of problems, which included the heaviness of it all, when Kara stepped in she made sure that the arm's metal could be switched without having to redo everything, and she was able to, among other things.

Lena watched in wonder as Kara worked efficiently, it was true that the blonde disliked the bar. She had never watched Kara work with so much enthusiasm, neither on the field, nor in the bar. It's like there was a different person in front of her.

And Lena loved it.

The brunette was dazed, and it was only after a few moments of Kara staring at her, waiting, had she realised that the blonde had asked her a question.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" Lena asked, Kara only smiled knowingly,

"It's alright. I was asking if I could take a look at your ring, I wish you examine its effects and what else you can do with it.."

"My ring?" Kara nodded, Lena thought for a moment before she agreed, trusting Kara enough with her ring that she would give her permission to use it, and if anything went wrong, she could always get it back and fix it.

They went up to the roof so Kara could examine the ring more effectively, without feeling trapped. The blonde put the ring on her finger and it glowed, but nothing else happened.

"It can take some time getting used to," Lena said smugly, "Don't take it--"

Right away, Kara's body was engulfed in a suit slightly different than Lena's own. It was all black except for the thigh area and the shoulders, which were green, and the insignia which was usually in the middle of Lena's chest was only in the corner on top of Kara's left breast, the mask was black of instead of green, and it switched between showing Kara's eyes which were now a green color to just fully white, like when Lena had it.

"Well, just the suit--" Lena was proved wrong once again as Kara flew and engulfed herself in green energy, then she conjured up a bow and arrow, similar to Lena's, before making them all disappear again and letting herself float back down.

"This is fascinating! I can literally feel it vibrating in my hand, the ring.." Kara trailed off, her excitement so similar to that of a puppy that Lena wasn't even upset that her girlfriend learned to use the ring much quicker than she had.

Kara handed Lena back the ring, "I will have to take another look later, for now, there's a fire that needs putting out."

And so they both took off to the location of the fire, and when they'd arrived, Kara set on using her freeze-breath on the flames while Lena helped civilians evacuate. The building was quickly falling apart, and a huge chunk of the decaying wall made its way down towards a little girl that could do nothing but stand there.

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