Chapter 5

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Six months later

Kian's P.O.V.

Today I got home from school and Mrs. Hannah's car was in the driveway and so were Autumn and Paul's vehicles. Weird. I walked into the house and took my shoes off.
"Kian, is that you? Come into the kitchen." I heard Autumn call.
I walked into the kitchen to find Autumn, Paul and Mrs. Hannah sitting at the kitchen table.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"We need to tell you something important. Sit down." Mrs. Hannah answered parting the seat beside her.
I walked over to them and sat down beside Mrs. Hannah.

"So Kian. Somebody reached out to us and said that they wanted to meet you." Mrs Hannah paused. "That somebody was your biological father."
I looked down and said "No."
"What do you mean no?" Mrs. Hannah asked.
"I'm not meeting him. You can't make me. Why of all times does he want to know me now? He knew I existed for the past twelve years why didn't he try to find me then?" I answered.

"Kian, you have to. You don't have a choice. If it were up to me, you wouldn't have to go near him at all. But it's not up to me. It's up to CAS. And you know they're policy is that if a relative can take you in, then you have to go with them." Mrs. Hannah replied.
"Bullshit." I said getting up.
"Kian, we're not done-" Mrs. Hannah started.
"Maybe you're not, but I am." I replied and ran upstairs.

I went to my room and closed my door.
I started crying and got really upset.
There was a knock on my door and somebody came in.
"Hey buddy. I heard what happened." Alister said.
I didn't respond and he sat down on my bed beside me.

"Look, if you don't want to talk about it, I completely understand. But I know how you feel. I know how it feels to wonder who your parents were or what they would have been like. Nobody really understands that sometimes." Alister told me.
"I appreciate the sympathy, but my mom died and my dad left, so you have no idea what you're talking about. You were wanted, I was not. Only my mom wanted me. Nobody else. I never wanted to know nor do I want to know who my dad is or what he is like. I just want to be left alone." I replied.
Alister sighed and got out of my room.

Alister's P.O.V.

I walked downstairs after trying to talk to Kian and was about to go into the kitchen when I heard mom and dad talking to Mrs. Hannah.
"Well, what happened if his dad takes CAS to court?" Somebody asked.
"If he wins, he gets Kian. If he loses, CAS keeps him." Mrs. Hannah answered.
"Yeah, not happening. He's not getting Kian. Over my dead body." Autumn replied.
"Well, it will take awhile for him to take CAS to court because Kian has to meet him. And we don't even know if Kian will still be living with you guys." Mrs. Hannah explained.

I walked into the kitchen and saw the twins, Kenny and my parents sitting at the table talking to Mrs. Hannah.
"Did he talk to you?" Mom asked.
"Yeah. He just told me that I was wanted and that he wasn't so I don't know what I'm talking about. He said that he doesn't want to meet his dad." I answered.
My moms eyes softened and we heard banging and screaming from upstairs.
Mrs. Hannah looked up at the ceiling and sighed.
Mom got up and going upstairs.
"Is he going to be okay?" Kenny asked.
Dad and Mrs. Hannah nodded and Mrs. Hannah said "He's getting better, though. That's a good thing. He used to have an outburst or episode at least every week. He's only had five while he was here with you guys. This would count as six."

"What happens if his dad wins the case?" Reed asked looking down.
"He gets custody of Kian." Mrs. Hannah answered.
"Fuck." Reed replied.
Dad eyed him but didn't yell at him because he would have said the same thing.
Ten minutes later mom came downstairs with Kian and Kian sat down at the table.

"So Kian, you're scheduled to meet your dad in my office tomorrow at 4:30." Mrs. Hannah told him.
"Can I bring someone with me?" He asked.
"No. But, I'll be in there." Mrs. Hannah answered.
He nodded and said "I'm not going."
"Honey, you have to go." Mrs. Hannah replied.

"Can I talk to you for a minute Kian?" I asked him.
He nodded and got up.
We walked to the living room away from everybody else and he said "Sorry for what I said to you."
"It's okay. I understand." I replied.
"So, how about after you meet with your dad, we go do something after. Anything you want." I suggested.
He nodded his head and I asked him "What do you want to do?"
"Legos." He answered.
I smiled and said "Okay. So after you go meet your dad, we can play with Legos."
He nodded and we walked into the kitchen.
"He said that he'll go." I told them.
Mrs. Hannah nodded and said "Well, I will see you guys tomorrow. I have to get going."
She got up and left.

"Paul, can you upstairs for a second please?" Mom asked dad.
Dad nodded and they walked upstairs.
"Wonder what that's about." Kenny said.
"I punched the wall." Kian replied.
We looked at him and he added "Five times."
He held up his hand that was bleeding and I said "Kian, come here. Let's go clean your hand up."
We walked to the sink and I turned on the water.

"Did it hurt?" I asked him as I washed his hand.
"Kind of." He answered.
Two of his knuckles were cut so I got him bandaids and put them on the cut knuckles.
"Thanks." He said.
"No problem. Let's go play COD." I replied.
He smiled and we went upstairs.

We started playing COD and he won.
Mom and dad came into the room and Kian said "Sorry for breaking the wall."
"It's okay, buddy. We understand you were very upset. It's okay to get upset. Everybody gets upset. But hitting something isn't the answer. Paul's gonna fix the wall tomorrow while you're at school." Mom told him.
He nodded and they left the room.

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