DO you love me or naw

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Eli PoV

the rest of winter break Hermione and I had our book club then at night Draco and I would sit by the fire in our common room and talk. But after winter break classes were up again and Draco had been ditching classes to go work on his plan. I would give Draco his homework at night and help him with it then turn it in for him the next day. Harry asked me to join the DA but i kindly denied since i have to focus on my classes and Harry was very understanding. Of course i still couldnt get away from Blaise. It got really annoying one day that i yelled at him to back off and that i love someone else. It wasnt a lie i did start falling for someone else but im just to scared to tell him. Every time im around him my heart beat goes up and i get butterflies in my tummy. hehe. i did tell Hermione she says i should tell him but im just so scared. You know what whatever. i think im going to tell him. Oh there he is. "Hey can i talk to you?" i asked him "Sure. Whats up?" "Well i been wanting to tell you this for a while and its............that....urr....." "That what?" he asked "I think iloveyouRon." i said really fast "What?" he asked confused "i think i love you Ron." i finally got out. great he probably doesnt like me back. hes not saying anything. why Eli, why did you have to tell him. i started to walk away with tears about to fall out of my eyes until i felt someone gra my wrist and twist me around to find a pair of lips on mine. i pull away with a confused look and a tear or two slipped out. "Eli, I loved you since you first started school here. i soo badly want to tell you but you were with Blaise and scared of me. I was beyond pissed when i saw you crying over him when he broke your heart. and when you told him a month ago that you were in love with someone else i knew i had no chance with you. but when you told me you love me i just couldnt believe it. i have wanted to kiss you in what felt like forever. now that i have i know you are the one. Be mine. Be my girlfriend Eli." "Yes yes YES!!!" i screamed then pulling him into a kiss which soon turning in to a snogging session. Since today was a Saturday amd we didnt have to do anything today Ron and I sat by the Black Lake talking and cuddling.

Ron PoV

i cant belive it. She loves me!! Eli the love of my life. I have loved her since she first stsrted school here at Hogwarts. Im just glad she is no longer scared or mad at me for the past my brothers and I gave her. I hope her brother accepts us being together. She told me how her brother accepts the friendship but me being her boyfriend. i am beyond scared.

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