overview of 5th year at Hogwarts

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Today we are going to Digon Alley!!! 5th year past, so this is what happened:

-got sorted in Slytherin

-Draco forced me into joining Proffecer Umbrige Force Club thingy.

-Got extra school help for prof. Dumbledoor

-Draco and Pansy broke up.:( but are friends.

-Avoided the Weasleys

-Some how past as 3rd highest under me a girl named Hermione Granger and my brother. Blaise got placed right below me as 4th.

I have to go to Digon Alley because I had a HUGE growth spur. I went from 5" to 5'9. Yup I was short. I get new robes for school. Im like a GIANT now. hahaha.Blaise went to his home most of the summer and visit Draco and I ever few weeks if can. Draco and I's birthdays were just as fun last years. I got Draco a painting I made for his birthday which he hung on his wall. For my birthday I got:

Blaise: a dozen roses charmed green and never to die and a heart necklace with a green stone in the middle

Draco: a bunch of skinny-jeans and shirts

Pansy: a few summer dresses

Mom/Dad: Newest Nimbus broom, clothes,shoes,make up, and ect

Crabbe: Candy

Goyle: Chocolate

Rose: Skater shoes

Ash: a bunch of bennies

Tommy: a muggle jacket saying "Ask me about my dinosur." then you turn in inside out and there's a Dino's head.

Jim: Hippster glasses

(even though Rose,Ash,Tommy, and Jim are purebloods they wear a lot of muggle clothes.)

Draco also became a Death Eatter but we have to keep it a secret. I didn't get to become one because the Dark Lord said he didn't need me. I don't know if that's good or bad but whatever. 6th year here I come.

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