Winter Break

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Today is my last day at Durmstrang Institute but at least I get to got to school now with my brother Draco, best friend Pansy, and my amazing boyfriend Blaise. Since I have a week till Hogwarts students are out for winter break I'm having Rose and Ash over for a couple of nights. When we pulled up to platform 8 1/2 I spotted my mom. I dragged my friends to meet my parents.

"Mom I would like you to meet the 2 friends who are staying for 2 nights."

I said hugging my parents.

"Hello I'm Rose Clearwater. Pureblood." Rose introduced herself

"And I'm Ash Bella Tomas. Pureblood" Ash introduced

"It's nice to meet you girls please call me Narssisa." My mom introduced

Oh and Eli dad had to leave for a week and a 1/2 but will be back for Christmas.Now come on girls you all must be tired from the long trip" mom countined.

Once my friends left mom and I went shopping and had some mother-daughter time. We shopped,went out to eat, and just sat and talked. final the week past and now it's Monday,time to pick up Draco and Blaise. Blasie mom left town again so he will be with us. mom woke me up at 9 to eat and get dressed. I showered then curled my hair and put on a plain black, tank dress that poofed at the bottom and wore black ballet flats. I didn't bother with make up other than red lip stick since Blaise always tells me I look better with out it. it's now 1 o'clock and I have to wait for 5 more hours since there train won't come till 7and I want to be early. To pass the time I decided to put all my pictures of my friends,family,and lastly boyfriend on my walls and mirrors. I didn't just tape them randomly everywhere but I made designs with them and before I knew it my mom came to my room so we can the looks of my moms face she like the pictures. I am so EXCITED I can't sit still in the car. Once we got there I saw only a few families were there so I waited up front where the Slytherins come out.

Blaise POV

Today is the day we leave and I'm excited to see Eli. She sent me a picture of what she is wearing today and told me she will try to be up front. Man she looks beautiful. I was so happy Draco started teasing me "Goodness it's not like Havent seen Eli in years."

"Im sorry mate but I just have special plans for this break with Eli." I apologized

"I know mate. Just when you see here dont hug her to death." Draco laughed as we pulled up to the station. I quickly jumped to the window and saw Eli sitting waiting next to Ms.Malfoy.Once the train stoped I ran out and threw my bag bag next to her making her jump and look up.

"BLAISE!!" She yelled jumping up on to me. I hugged her back then kissed her like I haven't seen her in years.Then we got inturupted to Pansy laughig saying "Gosh Blaise learn to share Eli." then Pansy pulled her into a hug the whispered something to Eli making her blush.Man she's so adorable.


I was so happy to so Blaise.He kissed me full of passion,want,and need but Pansy inturupted laughing saying "Gosh Blaise learn to share Eli." then pulled me into a hug then whispered "Next time i see you better not be pregnant but if you are I call being godmother." which made me blush then I replied " Dont worry we will use protection. of course you will be the godmother." then she left to her family. Then we left to the car. I sat in between Draco and Blaise since I haven't seen them I like FOREVER. As soon as we got home I let Draco and Blaise put there bags away while I went to wait with my mom for dinner.

"Eli, you and Blaise are soo cute together.Did you two do it yet?" mom said when the boys were to far to hear us.

"Mom!!"I gasped

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