Chapter 30: Answer

Start from the beginning

"Are you ready to go, Leah?" Harry asks me, pointedly not looking at Liam. My eyes flicker back and forth between the two of them and my heart beats hard in my chest. I grip my suitcase again, leaning on the handle for support.

"I..." I say again, staring at Harry with wide eyes. My mouth is dry and it feels like I'm choking on my own tongue.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Liam asks quietly, but Harry still hears him and his face grows hard.

"You're leaving with him?" Harry scoffs, looking from my face to my hand, which is still clutching onto my suitcase. For a minute he just stares at the ground like he's not sure what to say, but when he looks back up his eyes are empty. Dead.

"Harry," I try to say but he shakes his head, cutting me off.

"No, I get it," he says. "It's fine, really."

I look at Liam, then back to Harry, then gulp again.

" want me to go home with Liam?" I whisper.

We both know that's not the only question I'm asking, but Harry doesn't even hesitate to answer.

"Yeah," he shrugs. "He's your boyfriend, right?"

I stare at him in shock for a second. That's the thing with Harry: every time I think I'm getting somewhere with him, he takes another step back. I thought that after we slept together, it would at least mean something to him. I thought that I would finally mean something to him. But once again, I'm proved wrong.

Once again, it was just another mistake.

"Right," I say finally, taking Liam's hand in mine. Harry stares at our intertwined fingers for a second, something flashing across his face, but then it's gone and he's walking away.

"That was weird," Liam chuckles, oblivious to everything that just happened. I just nod, not able to answer him properly, and grab my suitcase. As Liam walks me out of the terminal I look back over my shoulder, searching for Harry, but he's no where to be found.


Harry glares at me from the window of his office. He's been doing that a lot lately, ever since he left me at the airport a week ago.

Then again, I have been doing everything in my power to piss him off. It might sound cruel but I want him to suffer for his own stupidity. And as much as I don't want to believe it, it does seem like he just used me for sex. It's not like he hasn't done that to other women before.

I'm sat in the conference room, chatting with Niall, Louis and some of the other associates. Mr. Malik even stayed longer this time to thank me for another wonderful presentation before he disappeared for another meeting. I'm pretty sure he's the busiest man I've ever met.

"Beth is beyond nervous for her date with Ashton," Niall is telling me. "I almost regret buying him at the auction."

"You regret nothing," I tease him, "I'm sure Beth will have a wonderful time."

"A better time than me," Louis groans, referring to the lady who bought him at the auction, and the other men chuckle. I do have to admit that she didn't have the greatest make-up skills...her eyeliner had been neon orange.

The door suddenly bursts open, startling all of us. Harry stands there, practically glowering at us, his arms folded across his chest.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, but I think the meeting ended a half hour ago," he informs the other men with a scowl.

"Cut us some slack, Styles," Louis grins at his friend. "It's Friday."

"Then you should all be heading home to beat the rush hour traffic, shouldn't you?" Harry glares at Niall especially. "Doesn't your wife have dinner waiting for you?"

Niall holds his hands up in surrender. "In my defense, Abbey can't cook worth shit. We eat takeout."

"How nice for you." Harry rolls his eyes and jerks his thumb out the door. "Come on, though, it's time to head out. I'm closing the office down."

"Fine, fine," Niall grumbles, pushing himself out of the chair. "Thanks for the chocolate clusters, Leah."

"My pleasure," I grin widely at all of them as they mumble thank you. Niall grabs his briefcase and heads out, with Louis right behind him.

"Remember we're still on for lunch on Monday," Louis reminds me and I nod in confirmation. I agreed to go out with him so that I could talk up Renee, so maybe they would finally happen.

As the last man leaves the room, Harry closes the door and turns to look at me with a frown etched onto his face.

"You need to stop encouraging them," he says in a hard voice.

I snort. "Encouraging them? We were just talking."

"You have a boyfriend," he reminds me. He reminds of this almost on a daily basis, like he's reminding himself of the fact as well. I narrow my eyes at him.

"We were just talking."

"What, in that?" He gestures to my blouse, which has two buttons undone instead of one but still barely shows my cleavage. I roll my eyes as he brings up my clothes again, like we haven't already had this argument a thousand times before.

"For God's sake, Harry," I breathe, "There is nothing wrong with what I'm wearing."

He mumbles something under his breath, probably another insult, and I roll my eyes. I grab my papers and stand up from the now empty table, making my way towards the door.


"What?" I shout, spinning around to face Harry. I feel something inside me snap as I look at him, leaning against the wall and looking at me, surprised from my outburst. "What do you want? Why are you even talking to me?"

"Oh, come on," he laughs nervously. "I can talk to you without being questioned."

I ignore him. "What, are you going to seduce me again? Are you going to have sex with me and then just act like nothing happened again? Are you going to leave me again?"

Harry looks uncomfortable. "I didn't-"

"Just save it, Harry," I sigh.

He falls silent and I walk over to door and let myself out of the conference room. Before I can close it, however, I feel a warm hand on my wrist and I spin around to see Harry standing there.

"I just don't want to hurt you," he whispers, and I take in the pained expression that's clear in his emerald eyes. I want to feel bad for him but I can't, because even though he's hurting I'm hurting a whole lot worse.

"It's too late for that," I tell him and then close the door before he can say anything more.

I take in a breath and straighten my back, trying to forget about the expression on Harry's face. I walk back to my office and grab my stuff quickly, wanting nothing more than to leave the building.

I quickly lock my office and make my way down the hall where something catches my attention. Everything is dark except for the conference room, where the lights still shine bright. I slowly peek through the window, sighing slightly when I see Harry's still in there, sitting on the desk with his head buried in his hands.

But instead of going in to comfort him, I turn on my heel and walk down to the elevator.

Harry is right. I have Liam now.


A/N: I got mad at myself while writing this lol


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