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"Clarke." A male voice completely brought the distracted blonde back to reality.

She definitely felt like she had been gone for a good ten years. "Yeah, Bell?" She softly answered back delicately removing her headphones off.

Editing a video all day could drive her nuts, it usually doesn't take this long but since the blonde haven't rest at all she would zoom out most of the times.

"Can we go and get some In n out?" Bellamy pouted his shoulders were down as if he has given up on life. "You have been sitting there all day and forgot to feed me!"

"You're the human version of a puppy." Clarke chuckled nodding while giving in, in his offered. "Luckily, I'm hungry."

"Yes!" He fist pumped the air and ran out of the editing room, directly towards outside.

"Literally a puppy." She laughed to herself, taking her keys in hand and followed the hungry boy outside.

The pair was quick to leave the house and jumped into Clarke's car, she took the chance to drive believing that it'll take her mind off things.

At the end they decided to go somewhere else to eat dinner since In n out seems like a group hang out and it was just the two of them going out, why not go somewhere fancy?

Maybe they'll meet celebrities there. Kidding, it wasn't THAT fancy where you had to make a reservation years before coming; no no, nothing like that.

Or else she they wouldn't let her get her vlog camera inside. Yet, the place they picked was extremely nice and they sure, should bring their friends here to celebrate whatever.

As soon as the food arrived and the waitress left, Clarke was quick to pulled her camera, of course it wasn't out for everyone to see but Bellamy could still notice it.

"Oh, c'mon. I thought it was only going to be me and you." He complained making eye contact with her camera.

The blonde chuckled behind it shaking her head. "It's never you and I, baby." She smiled back after seeing him sneak out a smirked at her comment. "Plus, I need footage."

"Here's boring, I can't do anything fun." He pointed out, causing her to groan. "Let me eat in peace."

"Shit." Clarke gasped putting the camera away.

Bellamy frowned at her odd action. "What?" He asked turning around following her gaze which fell upon a brunette two tables away from theirs. "Oh?"

"That's- Oh my God baby, that's Lexa Woods." She quietly fangirled hitting Bellamy's hand repeatedly hoping that her excitement will die out.

"okay, okay, calm down. Who's this Lexa Woods?" He faced her again glaring at her removing his hand away.

"She's from the walking dead, dude."

Again Bellamy frowned, before getting where she's heading at. "ohhh, baby no. She's from Fear the walking dead." He nicely corrected still got a groan from her.

"It's the same thing." She waved him off yet he didn't let go.

"Uh no, I mean yes but no. Rick isn't in Fear the walking dead."

"Because he's in a fucking coma, duh." Clarke argued rolling her eyes playfully before smiling. "Whatever it is, she's here."

Then it hit her and Bellamy knew it, he knew her idea face way too good. "You have an idea, right?"

She nodded happily. "I need footage after all." Clarke narrowed at her table again letting out a sigh. "Should I go and say hi before?"

"I'm nobody and I hate when you interrupt my feeding time. Imagine how she'll feel if you interrupt her meal? And she's well- somebody." He shrugged, "Wait until we're out."

"My feeding time." She repeated with a scoff as she started to eat knowing he was absolutely right.

They tried their best to keep up with Lexa, she was almost done and the two of them was barely starting. So, they came up with another idea.

Since they didn't want to waste any food, Clarke was going to follow Lexa outside by herself, leaving Bellamy in charge of the food. (She thinks it was a bad idea; Bellamy is horrible at controlling himself and she's afraid he'll eat everything.)

The girl was desperate for some vlog footage and meeting Lexa, (filming her) could bring tons of views for her channel.

Clarke quickly turned her camera and flash on, almost running towards the brunette. "This is how to be a paparazzi, guys!"

She got into the crowd that was surrounding, Lexa, which half of them were actual paparazzi and tried to talk as loud as she could.

"Hey, Lexa! Lexa! Are the rumours true!? Of you dating someone?" Clarke zoomed into Lexa's face, who pushed down her dark glasses (which by the way made no sense. It was night time) and stared right into Clarke's camera.

"Are you happy in that relationship!?" Clarke yelled again and for a slight second, the two of them made eye contact. She wanted to die.

"Hey, you're that one Youtuber." The brunette pointed at her vlog camera before smiling up at her.

Everything else was a blur, Clarke only whispered a soft "oh, shit." And ran out of there.

Out of everyone pressing their camera up into her face, she had to recognize her?


I know I should update the other one, shush.

Clickbait. (Clexa Au.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن