Returning to trouble

Start from the beginning

"What's on your mind?"

"I wanted to thank you for your help. I know we don't always get off on the right foot, but I do appreciate it."

"It's no problem. I know you struggle."

"Yeah, apparently in more ways than one," I mumbled.

"What do you mean?"

I told her what happened, and she listened. Then she offered her view.

"Give them time. Your friends are hurt."

"I know, but I doubt they will forgive me or talk to me."

"They will. If your friends care about you and I believe they do, they will, but when they're ready, not when you are. Marigold, we don't get to set the time limit when someone is ready to talk. They do. All you can do is wait."

"I guess."

"There's no guessing. It's what needs to happen," Mrs. Taylor reasoned.

"How's your daughter?"

"She's okay. Still waiting for a heart. I pray every day she gets one," she sighed.

"So do I," I smiled.

"Marigold, give it time."

I nodded and got up and left. Guess time is all I got right now.

Time was all I ended up with, alone. I waited and waited and waited for them to talk to me, and they didn't. I saw them laughing and even saw Zane talking to another girl. Maybe she can offer him a drama-free life.

I just sucked it up and realized that maybe it was for the best. I still struggled in class. Even with what I did at home, I still struggled. I was becoming more and more frustrated each day.

I sat in class, and the teacher handed me my test back only to realize I failed. Same with the others. That didn't go unnoticed by Dakota, who happen to be in one of my classes. I shoved the test in my bag.

He walked up to Zane, "we have a problem?"

"What kind of problem?"

"Mari is failing."


"Dude, she is failing. I just saw her recent test. She got a thirty-six."

"She'll be fine. She needs to work harder," Zane shrugged.

Dakota looked at him, "when did you become cold?"

"The minute she accused me of doing something I'm not doing," he answered.

"Okay, but think about it. How would you feel if you came back to school after twelve weeks to find some dude hanging on her?"

Zane looked at him.

"My point exactly. Everyone wants to point out Mari's faults but doesn't look at the bigger picture. You need to get it together. If you love her like you say you love her, then realize she is human and has insecurities like everyone else. You of all people should know that," he finished before walking away.

I stood at my locker as Zane walked up, "don't worry, I'm just grabbing my stuff and going to the library."


"It's okay, Zane. I have a lot of work to do so I can graduate, at least."

"What do you mean, at least?" He looked at me, confused.

I looked at him, "if I don't bring my grades up, I won't graduate. Someone called Eastern and filled them in on how poorly I'm doing. They revoked my acceptance. I'll be lucky to get a job."


"It's fine. I got to go; the library is calling my name," I said, walking away.

I left school and made my way to the library. As soon as I got inside, I found a table and started working. I pretty much stayed until closing, missing dinner. I needed to get my grades up.

I walked home, and the minute I came inside, mom said, "Mari, you missed dinner."

"I know mom."

"Where were you?"

"I was in the library."

"Hunny, you have to eat. You haven't been eating, and you're missing meals," she said worriedly.

"I know, but I also need to graduate even though Eastern is out of the question," I sighed.


"Yeah, they revoked my acceptance. So, let's see, I have no boyfriend, no friends, and no future. Maybe getting a new heart was a bad idea, after all. Because then I wouldn't have to worry," I shrugged.


"It's fine mom. I'm just going to go to bed. Maybe someone will take pity on my stupid ass, and I won't be living in a cardboard box when I'm older if I ever graduate," I said as I walked away.

It was true. Ever since I got my new heart, everything went to hell. It makes one wonder if it's all worth it.

What I didn't know is someone had listened to my entire conversation with my mom. What happened next would change everything.

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