a sick wingmaiden

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One day on wingmaiden island the gang landed and greeted the girls astrid noticed atalie was missing so she opens the door and sees atalie on the couch with a bin by her side wrapped in a blanket asleep astrid shakes her gently atalie opens her eyes and yawns hey astrid when did you get here? Um five minutes ago you ok? Mm not really I threw up last night and got no sleep astrid sits by her Aw mind if I stay here atalie taps her chin hmm of course if you don't mind my illness she giggled nope not at all five hours later astrid makes soup for her sick friend and sighs atalie walks up to her she jumps atalie aren't you supposed to be resting? I can't sleep anymore I'm uncomfortable and nauseous she holds her belly and groans astrid taps her chin hmm did you try using the bathroom? Well I do feel like it so I'll try astrid smirks atta girl maybe that will make your belly feel better a bit she sighs and closes the door and pulls her underwear and pants down and pees a bit then grunts a bit holding her grumbling belly whimpering letting out diarrhea astrid hears whimpering and knocks on the door atalie you ok? Uh uh she opens the door and shuts it feeling better? She shakes her head and points to her lower belly oh you having a bit of trouble? Mhmm ouch! She places her hand on her belly rubbing it in circles hmm your belly is bloated and I think your a bit backed up astrid? Yes atalie? What's backed up mean? It means your belly is trying to get whatever's in you out of you she sighs oh now I get it astrid sighs when your done I have soup waiting for you ok? She nods grunting and pushing she sighs feeling relief in her belly she wipes herself and flushes the toilet washing her hands astrid sees her friend smiling feel better now? she nods taking the soup and walks over to the couch and sits down and astrid sees her friends hand shaking here let me help you she picks up the spoon and holds it up to her mouth she opens her mouth and lets astrid spoonfeed her feeling the warm soup ease her achy belly she burps and sighs good job you ate the whole thing she hears a loud angry rumble and sees her friend holding a hand to her mouth she holds the bin up to her mouth ignoring the gagging sounds rubbing and patting her back for comfort blech!!!! She lets out a painful retch before coughing and wiping her mouth she spits astrid puts the can down beside her sorry don't be sorry you have a bug you can't help it she winces in pain what's wrong? She shrugs laying down mala sighs how's my friend doing astrid shushed she's sleeping mala groans why? she sighs atalie had a rough day see? Mala nods in understanding atalie yawns hey mala she giggles how are you feeling I heard you were sick the girl nods and I still am I think I want some medicine mala nods giving it to her

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