astrids pregnancy

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One day hiccups wife was mad and tired she huffed looking at her best friend heather laughs hey ast you gotta relax it wasn't his fault you got sick blame it on your daughter or son who isn't born yet she sighs your right its just I haven't slept all night and I'm cranky heather nods yep that's about right she looks down to her belly breathing heavly heather frowns you ok? She looks at her with a mad look does it look like I'm ok?! heather panics no and its not even 9 months yet for you your probably 6 heather jumped eek hiccup don't scare me like that he chuckles sorry uh what's going on with my wife?! She grasped his hand ow that hurts please stop honey astrid sighs sorry I couldn't control my mood I just need some time to think heather sighs want me to come with you cause I know where your going astrid nods sure I'm sorry I snapped at you I shouldn't have done that she shook her head no don't be sorry that one time I snapped at my own brother and he didn't do anything why don't you take out your axe and throw it at a tree astrid sighs no thanks my back hurts and it wouldn't do me any good heather frowns gently scratching her friends back feeling some tight muscles hmm your back really hurts huh? astrid groans yeah and what are you doing? she sighs I'm trying to get you to relax your back is really tense astrid put her head in her hands I need to go home 1 hour later astrid went to apologize to someone hiccup sighs nervously uh hi do you have something to say to me? she cried I'm really sorry that I squeezed your hand to hard I shouldn't have done that he frowns putting a hand on her back hey do you have a back ache? She nods yeah my friend didn't help much he sighs rubbing a hand on her back

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