Astrid catches a stomach virus

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Hiccup! What milady? You got me sick. Aw I'm sorry it's ok ow cramp! oh Astrid come with me where are we going? I know why your stomach is like that oh god I know what you're gonna say want me to leave? No I'm fine ok I'm here if you need me ok? Ok she moans there it is I know girl did you get your period or something? I dunno why? Look down gasp I did what am I gonna do? Listen well figure this out how? Me mom and you oh ok trust me valka had a lot of experience with what your dealing with hey mom? yes love I'm in my room what you need? can you come with me for a sec? Sure gasp oh Astrid sniffles hi valka I'm sorry you have to see me like this no its fine mm it seems like you have a bellyache aw can you call Heather and tell her to come over and take care of me please?  Sure hang tight ok? Ok dials her number and phone rings three times and someone answers it right away hello? Hi Heather its me valka your friend here Astrid is having her period and a bellyache oh my I'm on my way thanks bye Astrid Heather is coming over right now ok? Ok wow that was fast come on in beserker Heather oh ast you look pale I'm hurting in my lower belly can I feel? Sure go right ahead does this hurt when I run my hand over it? No but it feels good though don't stop doing that ok I won't I know how your belly is feeling actually stop I heard a grumble is it good or bad? Bad I feel the need to use the bathroom it's right behind you Astrid thanks Heather sigh instantly sits down and does her business you ok ? Just going painfully you want some tums for your belly ast? Mhmm yes please I'm allowed to have those hiccups the one who can't have those ok here you go thanks I wish my bellyache would go away I know my belly is so crampy you done for now? I guess let's go rest in your bedroom ok? ok he sighs ok so we're comfy right? She nods laying down

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