hiccups sick day

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One day hiccup woke up feeling awful so he went to wake his mom he creaked the door open a tad bit valka heard her son yawn mm love what's wrong? he sighs I don't feel great is all I'm going to go to school just for a few hours ok? She nods falling back to sleep 1 hour later he sighs not noticing his girlfriend behind him yelp Astrid you scared me! She giggles sorry hey you ok you don't look so good your looking like my dad everytime he drinks hiccup nods I'm fine just a upset stomach is all she nods in understanding time for class haddock he sighs sitting next to his girlfriend with 1 hand around his stomach hmm how long until class is over? She sighs in 2 hours aw your not feeling so hot are you? He shook his head groaning she sighs aw my poor baby what do you need? He sighs I just want to lay down is all she sighs come with me I have a friend who lets anybody lay down trust me she's really nice she sighs knocking on her friends door heather jumped oh hi need something? she shook her head not for me someone here decided to go to school today but didn't listen to his mom hiccup whimpers sitting on the bed afraid to speak heather sighs what's the matter honey feeling sick? He nods feeling something bump his toe she smiles your ok I'm here 24/7 I basically live here he gags leaning over the trashcan groaning she sighs hearing a grumbling noise coming from his stomach um honey need something else? He nods desparitly my stomach hurts not gonna throw up though she sighs unlocking the bathroom door for him knowing what's going to happen he whimpers holding his belly in pain as he went she sighs sweetie you ok in there? He nods just belly issues don't come in please? She sighs I'm coming in you need my help he sobbed rubbing his belly it hurts so bad she sighs I understand your being sick but a different way it'll pass he groans bending over as a wave rushed through him she sighs oh my goodness want me to keep you for today I don't think you'll be able to go home without having a accident he nods whimpering my belly can't stop cramping ugh!! She sighs I know why stop holding it in you're belly wants it out he nods letting go need some privacy she nods standing outside the door astrid walked in hey came to check up on him she sighs he's in the bathroom dealing with stomach issues I keep telling him not to hold it in so much I think he's having a hard time getting it out can you take him to your house please? Astrid nods hey baby I'm taking you to my house ok? He nods walking with her astrid sighs so what's going on hmm I promise I won't laugh he sobs I have the runs ok? She sighs oh you poor thing its ok I have towels on the seat because my new dragon she well pees a lot he chuckles must be a good thing then mm my belly hurts again astrid sighs just go then if you need to alright? He crys I can't my belly feels hard she sighs oh honey did you try drinking juice sometimes that helps right light? The dragon roars snoozing in the back he whimpers squirming Astrid sighs baby if you got that same feeling just go he shook his head I need a bathroom she sighs taking him into her bathroom he moans my belly doesn't feel hard anymore she sighs that's good but you still need to rest alright? He nods wait can I sleep with you I don't like being by myself she nods sure she sighs dragging him over to her bed yep I have a bunkbed not what you were expecting huh? He nods feeling sad but I don't like sleeping by myself I told you that she sighs wanna sleep up top with me? He shook his head uh uh I will just sleep below you she giggles scared your gonna throw up on me huh? He nods yeah I am afraid that's gonna happen overnight she sighs you can always wake me if you feel sick you know that right? He sighs in defeat yeah I guess I can do that 1 hour later he woke up feeling like he could get sick many times he shook her shoulder hey uh astrid? She jumped hmm what's wrong its not your stomach is it? He nods expelling some of his dinner she sighs rubbing his back ok ok come on you know I have carpet and it doesn't wash out easily he crys I'm sorry I couldn't help it she sighs look at me there's nothing to be sorry about you being sick and you can't help it so stop apologizing ok? He nods my stomach feels gross he belched sickly leaning over the bowl she sighs that's it relax its just a bunch of air in your stomach he whimpers I feel uncomfortable she giggles can you describe how uncomfortable? He sighs the other end ok?! She sighs oh well do you want me to leave or stay? He sniffs stay please? She smiled rubbing her hand gently over his stomach as cramps went through him my poor baby want something afterwards it always helps me he shook his head no I'm ok ulch I feel gross like a dragon ate a bucket of eels astrid sighs my poor baby I wish I can take all the pain away what do you wanna do hmm? Hiccup sighs can you take me to the hospital? She nods we can walk there if you want he nods but I'm worried I'm gonna puke she sighs handing him a bucket 1 hour later they sat in a waiting room hiccup groans while his girlfriend rubs his back and his tummy that hurt baby? He nods I feel like I'm gonna puke he retched hard astrid sighs patting his back you ok? He shrugs retching I feel embarrassed she sighs oh well I'm your girlfriend so no need to hold your vomit in ok? He nods um hon I think I need to use the bathroom again she sighs again?! He nods shuffling to the door 1 hour later she sighs better? He shook his head the other way around not vomiting anymore she frowns aw you poor thing you done? He nods yeah I'm ready to lay down now she giggles come here he lays on her lap smiling heather looks over to the others aw is he ok? She sighs not really a little run down is all but he's ok

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