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"The weeks go by and for another week of getting used to a wheelchair they say that there is a 5% chance out of 100 she can escape paralysis but a 95% chance that she can't and it's her first week back in school"

Y.n pov
I "wheel" into school I can feel everyone's eyes staring at me. I put my books away and wheel (not used using that word) my way to class they had already put my desk towards the outside and removed the chair. I zoom to the seat realizing that I'm also sitting next to henry. The teacher comes in followed by henry and he sits down. Alright class today we will be do in the legacy project that was due today who's first? The teacher asks
A kid who I never learned the name of walks up and starts yapping about dodgeball and my smart friend interrupts um dodgeball isn't a Olympic sport I would assume that someone of your age would know that Henry says the kid looks at him with a flustered and very embarrassed expression. He walks to his seat his head hung low. Um the teacher says y.n how about you go up she continues o-ok I reply my stutter has gotten better since to "crash" normally people's stutters would worsen so you were shook when they told you your stuttering was getting better- y.n, are you coming up still? The teacher says uh yeah. I roll my wheelchair over to where the last kid stood.

(This part is going to be based off of me but you can add your own ideas instead of mine)

Ok s-so my p-project is about my legacy and what I will do with it. I have a few things that I'm thinking of being when I grow up is between acting, (I don't know if I really want to do this) writing, animation, or PALEONTOLOGY!


Yea the study of fossels I hope to go with the dinosaur digs you then go on to explain more about your project and then your time is up and the next person goes up till' the end of school since we all did the dreaded gym... I sat out the entire time it was so boring thanks legs

At recess~ Henry pov
I was playing checkers with one of the lunch monitors or lady's and eter comes running in panting HENRY! MORRIS HAS YOUR MEDAL! referring to the one I gave him last night. I get my jacket and the lunch lady says hey I then proceeded to hop over her last three chips and take them winning the game. I walk of with Peter and he runs up and I see Christina and I walk up to her and ask her is she is ok she nods and countinues working on her friendship breslet(?) And I the sound of Peter screaming my name floods my ears and I run over to help him ripping off Morris and yelling at him and taking Peter home he won't talk to me so I make a contraption. My mom soon walks in and Sheila following behind my mom informs my why there were other mattress in my and Peter's room and they walk into the kitchen not long after me and Sheila's discussen I wish that she would stop calling me Hank can't shenrenember the name henry? But with all are arguing I really do like sheila it's just one of those you love them but you pretend you don't.

Y.n pov

Stan and me go home I also pick up that he has been really quiet latelyz andwe walk and wheel into are  house to hear our parents talking about some things and they break the news that we will be spending the rest of the year at Henry's yay. I mean it will be fun but why? Are  my parents gEtting  a divorce? Are they going to run away? Me and Stan pack are things and they drop us off at their house not even walking in you and Stan walk in to see Susan (Henry's mom) at the door you guys are sharing a room with henry and Peter isbuh that ok? She asks yes it's ok I mean your taking us in after all. Ok thankfully their was enough room for the bed and one is in the closet so yeah you guys can settle down dinner will be ready at 5 she says with a smile. We walk upstairs and put are stuff away and their closet is h e double hockey sticks big like wow we all socialize and at 5 we all go down stairs.  

Later that night.

Everyone is sleeping I can't sleep so I go to my wheel chair (more like drag my way there) and wheel it to the window to see Christina with a light and glass bowl thing and then I look downstairs to see Glenn or as Peter would say glennnn with a acholic(?) Drink, I look back to Christina and see her shining it around her room and its back to the door she wants to be a dancer. And then she panicks (panic panic panic!) running to her bed and shutting off her light and I look back down to see Glenn is gone and look back to christina's room to see a image that would imprint in my mind for the longest time.

Y.N! I see peter jumping on the bed I sleep on what I ask confused you need to get up- SCHOOL! I SHOUT SPEED GETTING REDDIE (😐😊😐😊😐😊😐) (whitch takes a lot LEGS!) AND quickly eating the breakfast given to me from Susan (notice how I leave out how you get up and down the stairs) and  wheel out the door to the car where we also pick up Christina I sit in the front because of my "disability" and they all cram in the back. You ok I ask Christina she nods shyly and just like that we are off to school.

No a.n nothing to say but we are getting back on track with the story I also rewatched the start of the movie so I could get the secnes right so yea maybe I did have something to say..
And my thumbs hurt like crazy from all this typing


Inflammation: A Henry Carpenter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now