"The Dark Lord would know, and he would know of your involvement, Severus. Now off you go. Nina, you will take this prior to your meeting. I will take care of Lucius, and will alter his memories accordingly once you are back. I have his robes on your trunk, Nina." Dumbledore said with a final, dismissing wave of his hand.

I followed the annoyed Snape outside.

"Good night, Headmaster." I called out.

"Good night, Nina and Severus, and good luck." he replied, and the statue moved back to its place.

"Now, listen to me very carefully. No foolish risks, lashing out, or anything of the sort. Malfoy is a huge kiss-ass, and you should act like it. If he orders you to do something at that very moment, you will do it. Understood?" he asked sharply, stepping close enough I could feel his warm, agitated breath on my face.

His dark eyes betrayed concern, and he blinked it away instantly, pulling back.

"I'll be careful. I know Malfoy well enough. He's an ass when not with me or Jenn." I said, and he nodded briskly, refusing to meet my gaze. 

"Good. Meet me tomorrow at eleven in the evening." he said, and I saw he was about to take off.

"We're both going to the dungeons, you can't just walk away." I said, coming up to his side. he rolled his eyes, but didn't dart off, instead slightly slowing his usual pace so I could keep up.

"I'm quite impressed with your potion skills. I wonder how Trelawney is feeling." he said, and I chuckled.

"Yes, well, it's lunch in a few minutes, isn't it? Perfect time to check." I said, and he nodded.

"Correct, but I won't be eating in the Great Hall." he said, and I pouted.

"Why?" I asked, feeling like a child.

"I'm not hungry. Good day, and don't forget you have double Potions after lunch, and no excuse to skip it." he said, darting further downstairs without giving me a chance to reply. I sighed with a smile, and entered the Great Hall.

I took a seat next to Lucius, who immediately began scolding me for pissing off Snape.

"Chill! We're all good, he actually wanted to praise me for being an examplory Slytherin and not getting into any trouble recently. Apart from that one time." I lied smoothly, and Lucius smiled.

"Of course. I did overhear the professors praising you, all but Sprout. You need to get better in Herbology. Otherwise, excellent." he said, and I nodded.

"Will do, Luci. How are you?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"All good. I'm doing great with... you-know-who. My offer for you still stands." he said.

"Not gonna try and get out of that?" I asked, and he shook his head, a hint of sadness passing his eyes before it was gone.

"No, it's too late for that. What I can do is rise even further, so I can be in a position to protect Jenn and you. I like her, you know, but she doesn't know. About me." he said, and I nodded in understanding.

"Yes, well, she wouldn't take it that well I suppose. I do hope you will change, Luci. You can start by erasing the word 'mudblood' from your vocabulary, and replacing that annoying sneer with a smile." I offered, and he rolled his eyes.

"You and Jenn make me soft. I will consider your advice." he said, and I grinned, making him roll his eyes again, before we both dived into our food.

Well, I dived into it, while Lucius ate like royalty, calm and composed.

After lunch, I hurried down to the Potions classroom, as Snape was so kind to inform me that I had to attend. Although I was certain my presence was completely unnecessary. 

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