Chapter 1: The life of (y/n)

Start from the beginning

"Well...You see...I was at school, it's food poisoning, ya, from eating something bad, and was sent to the nurse office, she sent me home to relax and I was gone for the rest of the day."

I only smiled, letting go of the fact he was lying to me, again.

He still won't spill the real reason he's been absent the past few months, but can't figure out what or why. I shrugged it off. He thinks I haven't noticed the pattern yet. But should understand, anything that he does, I don't need to know, it's his life, not mine.

If he wasn't ready to tell me, I guess I'll have to wait until the time comes, I won't push him.

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked, going along with the lie.

"Yup, much better." Jon avoided eye contact once again, rubbing the back of his head.

" Uhm..(y/n)?" Jon began, he paused for a moment, I lifted my head upwards to give him my full attention."If you're not busy, maybe you can stop by my place and hang out like we used to, this weekend-" the school bell rang, signalling the first period was about to start soon, and completely cutting Jon off.

"Sorry Jon," I said, ignoring kids our age rushing pass us, trying to get to their class in time, I can explain to my teacher why I was late, but I needed to to be a good friend and listen to what Jon had to say.

I waited for what Jon wanted to ask me, while I held my math textbook close to my chest.

"Nothing..." he quickly said, he turned away, he held a science textbook to his side."It's fine, I'll tell you later, I guess, go ahead to class, I know you hate being late."

"All right then, "I said, side hugging him, "Thanks, Jon, see you at lunchtime." giving him a smile, giving him a little wave goodbye before rushing down the hallway, just in time during roll call.

During class, I sat at my usual seat, which was the back of the class, quietly listen to the lecture. As the teacher was going on, explain a new unit to us, I started to drum my finger against the wooden desktop, creating my own melody. Soon humming a lullaby I was thought when I was younger but stopped immediately. My lips formed into a pleasant smile, realizing that Jon was trying to make for lost time earlier.

"Does anyone know, what 3b equals to in this problem?" our math teacher, Mr.Gebra (silent g) asked randomly, as he turned towards us. The board showed a complicated math equation that we haven't reviewed yet. Jon and I don't have the same classes this semester, but hopefully, we'll have the same schedule the next year. The science lab is located far behind at the end of the hallway, so he wasn't too far.

I must have spaced out for a bit, clueless of what we were talking about as a result. I had no idea what we 'were talking about. Only a few of my classmates raised their hands because they were actually paying attention.

Those who raised their hands were the ones who answered questions in class 24/7, as the old man was looking around the room, we locked eyes. 'Oh no...' please, sir. Don't call on me, don't-

" (y/n)!" the man wearing suspenders called out, pointing directly at my direction. And at that moment, I knew I was screwed.

Shoot, I should have paid attention....! Or better, avoid eye contact.

I couldn't help but stammer, I don't even know what page we were on, or the question he asked us.

"I-I don't know..." he went on to someone else who had their hand raised.

I wish he didn't turn to me for the answer, he could have just chosen someone who had their hand up.

I felt the heat that had started to form on my cheeks cool down, and my heart rate slowly going back to normal from the surprise spotlight. Using the math textbook as a disguise, fooling everyone I was following along, I drifted off to a world of my own.

A child of destiny (Jon Kent x fem!reader)  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now