Chapter 12

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Can I just say I love you all. All I've gotten from writing this fanfic is love and appreciation and nothing but praise. I thought when I started writing this that it was going to come off as Stupid or dumb, but everything else convinced me otherwise. So I want to say thank you for all the support. It's really appreciated. And with that I give you Chapter 12.💖

I don't own the picture or the characters. They rightfully belong to their owners.

Star woke up, the sun bright in her face. For the first time in a while she felt...happy to live another day, even if Marco was still no where to be seen. Star didn't have the courage to ask his parents, as she did not want to worry them or his little Brother, Marco Jr. Instead, she turned to the magical high commission. Ever since the Eclipsa trial, years back, Star distanced herself from the people she had grown to know. She believed that what they did was wrong, and it was horrible to separate a family all because of the family consisted of monsters. As much as Star dreaded to Ask them, she did it any ways to save Marco. And since Star was so busy during the wedding planning of her wedding and now Tom and Janna's soon to be wedding, she could not go with the high commission on the journey to find Marco.

The days were long without Marco....instead of laughing and running in the hallways as she did with him, she sauntered the halls in a bittersweet mood. And during Royal lunches and dinners she would wander into daydream, dreaming of the day where her true love would return home to her. She missed Marco with all her heart and nothing made that ache in her heart go away. She didn't want to believe that he were dead, she knew that he was alive, but for how long? And her mother was no help in giving Star any clue but a simple grunt and flick of her hand.

It occurred to Star that her mother was different recently. She was colder and distant. Star hypothesized that she just wanted Star to get married as soon as possible, and since Star made no advancements to do so, she took matters into her own hands.

Star decided to start her day in a positive way. She got up and took a quick shower and put on a nice airy dress, so she wasn't suffocating herself to death in the heat. She did her hair into a nice bun, and put a simple Tiara on. She left her room, expecting the castle to be bustling as usual, but it was unusually quiet. In fact, it was a creepy quiet. Reluctantly, she made her way to breakfast, expecting to see her Parents and Axel seated, eating. Instead, no one was there. Not even a staff member.

"Hello? Mom? Papa? Where are you?" Soon enough, she heard footsteps. To her avail, it was only ManFred.

"Princess, why are you here?" He said in a hurried tone. He looked pale, almost frightened.

"I was getting breakfast, but no one is here...where are my parents?"  She began to panic, her heart beating fast, adrenaline rushing through her body.

" Princess have you not heard the news?"

"News...what news, Manfred what's going on?"

Manfred sighed heavily," Your mother....she's fallen gravely ill."

River sat next to Moon in their room. She was sleeping with monitors and tubes stuck in her arms and mouth. Doctors and nurses ran in and out frantically, as if she had so little time. Fortunately, she was going to live this time around, but if this were to happen again, Butterfly kingdom could be without a ruler.

The cause of Moon's heart attack was mysterious, to say the least. She woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air and clutching onto her chest to by her some time. River awoke next to her in a frenzy, as he did not know what to do with his wife. He ran out of the room, screaming and yelling for help, hoping someone could hear his cries to save his dying love. Thankfully, the guards stationed nearby and some highly trained nurses were at the castle on this dreadful night and did their best to get the Queen in a stable condition until the doctor came in.

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