Part II

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Being a twin is both painful and beautiful.

Kaori and Mitchell were born in the fall, they shared a birthday, but Mitchell always prided himself on being  five minutes older than his brother. The twins had always been inseparable and to the point they had a strong bond and felt things to a psychic extent. If one was sad outside, the other twin suddenly was crying for no real reason.

Mitchell had been taken from Kaori's grasp, his rake was replaced with a riffle and his farmer's hat was switched with an army helmet. His plaid shirt is traded for an army green jacket and he would be digging trenches instead of holes for new trees. His head was shaved, his pride was stripped. He began the journey, the same one that hundreds of American men would face as well as a certain end, a painful death just to assure the freedom of those that lived back home. 

One nation, under God, a gun in every hand, bun in every oven and a knife in every brother's back.

He knew today was the day of his twin brother's return. He stuffs the letters in his leather bag, slinging it over his slender shoulder and shakily grabbing his bike and lord behold. 

"Cricket! You best be back with your brother for dinner!"  

A roll of eyes and a laugh escaped as he kicked the kickstand up and turned.

"We wouldn't miss dinner, We'll be back, promise."

She nods, smiling softly. "Okay, be safe.." She hollers out and waves as he peddled off. 

The bike ride there feels like it is taking longer than usual. It's maybe 15 minutes before Kaori arrives and sees the ship and the men stepping off of it. If he wasn't mistaken.. More than half of the town was on this boat, including  his brother. His twin brother. He puts the kickstand down, almost clumsily. The wind whips what hair he has around his eyes, that salty breeze teased his nose and the warm sun made him squint. He was at the dock where Mitchell had left and would return. He was excited and beyond happy.. Mitchell was Kaori's other half. Apart they were two lonely beings and together they were one strong deity. 

He beams, grabbing someone's shoulder and they turn slowly, anticipation grows, butterflies flutter, goosebumps cover his body and then their face meets his own. It's not Mitchell. "I'm sorry, I-I thought you were someone else.." He said and he took a step back, stumbling a bit.

His hand drops in utter defeat as nervous fingers move to his face and a shaky breath slips from his frowning lips. His brows furrowed inward and arms snaked around his own middle. The afternoon storm was approaching and he was determined to wait till every man left the boat. His brother would come off of that boat. But soon it was raining and the rain was cold, bitter and unforgiving. 

Much like his faith right now. Mitchell wasn't on the boat. He had went on this one, he was to come home on it, he'd promised Kaori this. He knew that night he woke up crying, in pain something happened. He just didn't want to believe it.  This wasn't happening. It just wasn't.. It can't be.. "No...No.." he said in disbelief. 

The rain pelted down onto him what felt like a million knives cutting his cheeks at once. His legs dare give out as he leaves the bike guide him to Aiden Borine's house. A boy who served with Kaori's brother. Aiden's family and Kaori and Mitchell's family were close, they always had been.

Nearly getting hit by old man Carter, he yelled "Cricket! Watch where the Hell you're going!!!" He yelled and lays on the horn, but Kaori  didn't pay that any mind. He was just in hope that Mitchell was with Aiden. The two were friends anyways... Surely, they were together, right?

Surely, you're mistaken.................

Bike is thrown down and tears race down his cheeks,  but you can't tell, because the rain hides emotions like the fog hides cigarette smoke. Tripping over the first stair, he is breathing heavily and ultimately out of breath. Three solid knocks on the wooden door, he exhaled. "Aiden! Mrs. Borine! Hello?" He yelled in a desperate call, he hits the door again, but is met with the chest of Aiden and just looks up into his sad face, he could tell something was wrong. Kaori might have had mental problems, but he could read people. "Ai-Aiden... Where is he.." Hitting his chest again and fists balled. Face turned red and his chest tightened. He was sure he was going to vomit. 

Aiden was stoic as usual and he said nothing. "Aid-den... No! No.." He said and felt lightheaded. "no, Aiden.." He said to shakily hand the bag over. "He.. These are for him, they never made it, Aiden.." Quivering lips and broken hips, bruised egos and all hope vanished. "You keep them.." It was then he is given Mitchell's American Flag, his heart visibly shattered as he placed it to his face and began to sob and fell to his knees. His brother was gone.. He left him all alone.

Not in his right mind, he turned and then looked back at Aiden once more before getting on his bike to ride it back to his home. He walked into the front door to be met with a mother and father who were happy one second and broken the next as he presented the flag to their family. "He's gone, mom.. Dad.. He's gone.." He said in a whisper and looked away. He walked over to them and they all sobbed... But, in all honesty Kaori had no more tears to cry. He left the living room just as a knock is heard at the door. He laid in his bed, holding the flag to his chest, sobbing. "Mitche-lle..." He whispered, distraught. He had never once felt pain like this. His brother was the one who had always held him up and kept him sane... But, he had faded away. What would become of little Cricket now? The violin's cries would surely rise with the sun each morning and go to bed with the sun every evening.

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