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• mention of rape

Hope this chapter is not weird and I hope you guys understand this.


Taehyung will never forget the day Jeongguk hurt him for the first time ever.

The memories were still vivid. He could still felt the stinging pain on his cheek and the tears that comes after Jeongguk's palm met his cheek.

Years had passed and he still remembers it.

The day where everything goes downhill.

Taehyung was worried. He has been biting his nails since an hour ago.

He glanced at the clock on the wall every now and then.

Taehyung flinched when he heard the front door close with a loud bang.

He rushed downstairs and smiled nervously.

" Ggukie welcome home! "

He said with a fake cheerful voice. It was clear that he was trying to hide his anxiety.

Jeongguk has been acting weird these days. He was always out and will be at home after midnight.

Taehyung also noticed that Jeongguk has been a lot more scarier and possessive.

Once he had threatened a man just because he looked at Taehyung for too long.

The man was mentioned on the news not too long after the incident.

He was murdered brutally and his dead was still unsolved.

Taehyung had thought that it was Jeongguk's doing quite frequently but he quickly shook off that thought because there's no way Jeongguk will ever do that.

But he can't still shook off the uneasy feeling inside of him.

Taehyung noticed this months ago. Jeongguk has been acting like this for three months or maybe more.

" Taehyungie baby.. "

Jeongguk breathed out. His eyes were red and filled with tears. Taehyung rushed to the older.

" what's wrong ggukie?? "

He asked worriedly. Jeongguk doesn't answer him and buried his head in Taehyung's shoulder.

" You.. "

He paused. Taehyung stayed silent. He waited patiently for Jeongguk to finish his words.

" You will stay with me right? "

Jeongguk continued. He looked up and Taehyung almost gasp. Jeongguk looked awful.

His eyes were wide and his nose was bright red. His bottom lip was quivering. He looked like he will cry in any second.

" Of course I will Ggukie.. "

Taehyung whispered. Jeongguk was acting weird and was not quite himself. ( idk if this sentence is right or not )

" we will stay together forever right? You will never leave me and will always be with me forever right? "

Jeongguk asked. He looked at Taehyung desperately. Taehyung was scared now. Jeongguk looked so desperate. His grip on Taehyung was so tight that Taehyung winced in pain.

" G-gguk you're hurting me.. "

Taehyung whimpered out instead of answering Jeongguk. Jeongguk was not pleased. He clenched his jaw and pushed Taehyung against the wall.

Taehyung's head hit the wall with a loud thud. His eyes brimmed in tears.

" Say that you will never leave me! Say that you love me! "

Jeongguk raised his voice. Taehyung tried to push him away.

" Gguk. Stop. You're s-scaring me.. "

But instead of stopping, Jeongguk slapped him. Taehyung froze.

He held his stinging cheek as he stared at Jeongguk in desbelief. Tears rolled down his cheek without him noticing.

But Jeongguk was blind. He was blinded by rage that was growing inside of him.


He yelled. Taehyung trembled in both fear and sadness. He can't still accept the fact that Jeongguk had hit him.

Jeongguk dragged him by his hair to upstairs and into their room. He threw Taehyung onto the bed.

" I'll never let you leave me. Not again. I'll make sure we will stay together and till death do us part. "

Jeongguk was mumbling to himself. His eyes and smile looked so crazy that it sent shiver down Taehyung's spine.

Jeongguk hovered above Taehyung. He kissed the younger's neck. Taehyung kept on crying.

" I love you. I love you. I love you. "

Jeongguk whispered against his naked skin. He slipped his hand under Taehyung's shirt. He looked up and stared into Taehyung's eyes.

" you love me too right? "

That was the first time Jeongguk hit him and touched him without his consent.

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