'We'll ask again traitor. Where is Mason Lowe?'

'I wouldn't tell you over my dead body' Jaden growled, bending low and growling.

He wouldn't turn in his friend for anything; and if that meant he'd die, then so be it. He'd protect Mason at all costs.

'Then you will die alone' he said, and the four wolves began converging in on them.

The brown wolf was the first to attack, and Jaden moved to the side dodging his claws, then twisted snapping his jaws. The other black wolf scratched him, and he snarled in pain jumping back from their circle. They were circling him, but where was Yasmin's? Looking around he saw that she was nowhere to be seen, and knew he'd have to deal with that later.

Backing up the four wolves split off again planning to surround him, and he watched their movements. The black wolf on his right was the first to jump, lunging for his throat. Jaden twisted, biting at the wolfs exposed underbelly making him yelp in pain.

Unfortunately when he managed to injure one of them, the grey wolf bit at his ankle making him yelp in pain. The distraction gave the brown wolf a chance to swipe a paw at Jaden shoulder, claws digging deep and he felt the blood ooze out the wound. Growling he knew this was futile, and turned running as fast as he could with an injured ankle.

'Mason!' he thought hoping somehow his friend could hear his cry.

Behind him, he heard the three wolves giving chase just barely on his ankles again snapping. Pushing harder he ran, making turns and jumps to confuse the wolves, but he could barely shake them. They were trained to hunt and end threats after all.

Up ahead Jaden heard a stream, and knew if he could just reach the water then he may be able to lose them. He turned around another tree making a loop to shake the grey wolf. Then turned back to the stream growling when he heard one of the wolves there blocking the way. Next, to him, the brown wolf jumped out of the trees, knocking him over and causing him to roll.

He wiggled to get back on his feet fast, wincing at the pain in his ankle, but another wolf knocked him down again. This time he stayed down as the brown wolf attempted to knock into him again. Reaching up he bit the brown wolf front left paw hard and felt a satisfying crunch in his jaw as the wolf yelped. It would injure him only for a short time, and hopefully, it would be enough. The brown wolf barked orders at the other two and they growled, approaching Jaden from the front while he was once again put on the defensive.

This reminded him all too well of when the pack would dispatch him and some others to handle threats. Was this how their victims felt right before they knew they were to be killed? Jaden never showed fear and growled as the two wolves approached him. These two wolves were once his friends back in the pack, but now they were enemies. He saw both wolves snarl and crouch ready to pounce on him, and he stood ready for them to come. He'd fight till the end.

Just before they could lunge on him at the same time he saw another large figure jump in front snarling loudly. He sniffed the air feeling a spark of relief, that the brown wolf with yellow eyes in front of him wasn't going to attack him.

'Are you alright?' the brown wolf asked him.

'You could've gotten here sooner' Jaden snapped angrily in response.

'Mason Lowe, so you've shown up' the brown wolf said, standing in front of them once again.

Jaden stood next to Mason still growling, proud to stand and defend his friend. The other two wolves stood next to the brown wolf the same way, prepared to attack again.

'Will you return to the pack, and take responsibility?' the brown wolf asked.

'My answer is still the same; I will not come back' Mason growled, and Jaden although unknowingly, knew he had to support his friend decision.

'Alpha Adam had such high hopes for you, but his mate Olivia wants you delivered alive so she can take place as alpha'

Jaden looked at the brown wolf carefully. Adams mate wants to be alpha? From what he remembered Olivia was the kindest wolf there was, she was like a mother to everyone in the pack. How could she be alpha and fight, when she'd always choose to talk as a way to solve a conflict.

'No one can be alpha, don't you understand' Mason said almost pleading.

'We're under attack back home and need protection, a traitor wouldn't understand'

'You'll be in more danger with an alpha in place'

'Enough! We'll kill Jaden and take you into Olivia. That's what we're here for" he said growling and stepping forward.

Mason and Jaden prepared for their approach but stopped when the grey wolf yelped in pain, and a knife stood sticking out its side. All 5 wolves turned their heads to see a human standing not too far away from them, pulling out a gun from their waistband.

'Hunter!' Jaden told Mason who nodded understanding.

They both backed away while the brown and black wolf both growled, lunging towards the hunter whose gun fired at them. Jaden ran prepared to leave the woods altogether but stopped when he saw Mason looking back towards the two other wolves.

'Mason lets go' Jaden said anxiously.

Mason didn't listen and instead ran in the direction of the hunter and wolves. Jaden annoyed turned following his friend, not letting him get himself killed. As much as he didn't want to be alpha, he wanted to be a hero, and even though these same wolves almost killed them, he wanted to save them. He'd never understand Mason, but unfortunately Jaden was too loyal for his own good.

Mason ran growling and pushed the black wolf out of the away as another gunshot almost clipped him. The sickly sweet smell in the air told him the hunter was shooting with wolfsbane laced bullets. The hunter loaded his gun again, firing as the brown wolf ran towards him faster than he could comprehend. Fangs bared, the brown wolf jumped on him jaw open wide and ready to bite down when he too yelped. Mason turned running towards the brown wolf but stopped when a second gunshot rang out from their left. Another hunter had arrived.

"Markos get down now!"

The brown wolf rolled off of the first hunter shivering in pain, and Mason saw a knife sticking out of his stomach. In his gut, Mason felt the beginning of a sharp pain and using that he fueled it into his speed as he ran towards the hunter. Off to his left, Jaden ran at the other hunter also equipped with a gun, knocking the man down and standing over him snarling.

Standing over Markos, Mason watched as he glared back at him. Mason had planed on sparing his life, but now he had killed someone from the pack. He could not let the man go for killing two pack members now.

"Do it mutt, be the monster I know you are," he said low.

Mason didn't care about being called a monster by him, he was the one killing innocent wolves after all. If it made him a monster to protect his family then so be it. Snarling and baring glistening sharp fangs Mason clamped down hard on the hunter's arm. The hunter's bones cracked between his jaw and he cried out in pain, while Mason could only think of the wolves dying behind them right now. Thick coppery blood rushed into his mouth fueling his anger as he watched the hunter writhe in pain.

'Mason there's more coming! A lot more' Jaden projected into his mind.

Then over the sounds of the hunters screams Mason heard it. Multiple cars approaching, and hunters bearing heavier equipment, than pistols and knives. Releasing the hunter's arm he huffed and turned to run with Jaden before they got surrounded. Now was not the time to finish him off, not when they were at risk.

'The pack is coming now, along with hunters Mason. I believe it's time you come up with a plan' Jaden told him as they ran. Mason begrudgingly knew he was right.

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