Straight To It

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"Well... shut up. It's not a date." I was beyond embarrassed at the idea of liking boys, and the fact that I had brought Zachary out to some quaint ice cream shop to get to know him when I don't even try to get to know the girls I inevitably go under the sheets with, was just insane!

I couldn't like boys because for the majority of my life, I had always been interested in girls. I liked girls. I liked the way their skin felt, smooth and almost likened to that of flower petals. I liked their light voices, and the way they sounded so breathless when I kissed their rosy skin. I liked girls and I liked the fact that I had control whenever I was with them. I could steer them because they let me; they let me behind their wheels because it was what I'd always have a chance to agree on. We had agreements in our makeshift relationships because I liked being in control. I liked girls and all they are. Yet, with Zachary, I somehow lost all my self-control. With Zachary, I found myself losing control of my feelings, of my thoughts and even my actions.

It had always been like that.

Even before our newfound friendship, I had always had trouble controlling myself around him. At this point, I was surprised I'd never actually gotten into a fist fight with him.

But I liked girls.

And I was one hundred percent sure he did too. He had a girlfriend for crying out loud! I had never had a girlfriend before, but the many flings I'd harbored counted for something, right?

How could you like boys when you've been surrounded by and believed to have liked girls? It just didn't make sense.

Zachary smirked suddenly, but it didn't quite reach its full height. "It's a date, Andrew. And you can't tell me otherwise. Man - oh man - Taylor is gonna have a meltdown when she finds out you took me out on a date. A date!" I glared at Zachary as he sat across from me, retracting his previous statement to go back to making fun of me!

This was not a time for jokes, and it was no laughing matter inside of my head. I was questioning my entire existence!

"This isn't a date, dipshit!" I seethed, finding it a bit unnerving that I was starting to sound like my old self, a self that was easily annoyed by Zachary. He was reverting me back to... well me.

I angrily bit into the sweet waffle cone in my hand.

Zachary only laughed at me even more.

From across the shop, I could even hear Annie giggling. I side eyed her with a glare, but she ignored me.

What was with those two? I had only wanted to get to know Rogers.

Was that so wrong?

Maybe so if it was causing me this much insanity.

I sighed and took another bite of my melting ice cream cone. The cool cream felt nice going down my heated throat, and as I licked away the melting remnants sliding down the side of the cone, I vaguely saw Zachary's eyes following the movements I made. Specifically following my mouth.

"What are you looking at?" It gave me a sense of deja vu from when I had kept my eyes close to his movements, watching them with a sense of checking him out. Was he checking me out? Oh how the tables seem to have turned.

Zachary cleared his throat, leaning forward to grab a napkin. "You eat like a toddler, Parsley." And then he proceeded to swipe the napkin slower than I would have thought was necessary over my bottom lip. The act sent a vibration throughout my entire body and I couldn't steal my eyes away from his face. He wasn't looking at me, seemingly so concentrated on the bit of ice cream dropping down my chin, but I sure as hell couldn't stop looking at him.

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