Act 13

470 13 2

Y/n p.o.v

So today is Friday and I am waiting for Steven to take him and Connie to school. Then Pearl walks out of her room yawning . The last one awake is the best in my opinion, I say. Pearl blushes and kisses me on the cheek. Then Amethyst says, if that's true then Cerulean is the worst. Cerulean frowns and Amethyst laughs her butt off. Ready?, I ask Steven. Yep ,he responds . So I drive him and Connie to school.

Steven p.o.v

I can't believe Mr Matterson is going to have a quiz, Connie says. Did you study?,I ask. Yeah but I'm not good at the Anatomy of DNA , Connie says. Same, I say stopping at my locker. Did you study? , Connie asks. Yeah but not that much I had a mission to do, I say. How's Cerulean? She asks . Oh she's a lot better than before and she actually wanted to talk to me, I say smiling. Hey Bellybutton, Chris the school bully yelled. What is it Chris ?, I say annoyed. Are you going to do any of your crazy bellybutton magic, he says laughing. No, I say about to close my locker then he grabs me by the shirt. Listen here Bellybutton you're a freak nobody likes you here so you should just go and leave, Chris says. Then I start to tear up a little bit. Oh is the little freak going to cry I'll give you something to cry about,Chris says then punch's me in the face. I feel blood drip out of my nose. Stop it now, Connie says angry. Then Chris is about to hit connie then I activated my shield and protect Connie. You really are a freak,he yells.

Pearl p.o.v

I am in my room organizing my swords then Y/n calls. Hi honey, I say while polishing my sword. I'm on my way to the temple to get you ,Steven got in a fight , Y/n says calmly. WHAT?, I say panicking.

So me and Y/n arrive and I see Steven with a black eye. Steven are you okay? , I say hugging Steven. Yah , he says frowning. Okay then my next question is why did you start a fight, I say sternly. Actually he didn't start the fight it was another student, the Principal said walking into the nurses office. Will I be able to March in tonight's show,Steven asks. Only if you're up to it , Y/n says hugging Steven.

Timeskip to the football game

I am excited to see Stevens performance, I say . Yah ,Amethyst says eating a whole box of popcorn in one bite. Garnet is watching the game while Peridot is complaining about now getting sports. Hey peridot, Lapis Says smirking. You better not, Peridot say annoyed. Your cute when you complain, lapis say smiling a little. I'm not cute, peridot Yells. Cerulean grumbles something under her breath and goes back to sleeping. So it half time and the show starts.
(A/n play video now)
Go Steven ,I yell . Amethyst ,Garnet, Lapis,and peridot cheer as loud as the can while Cerulean is still sleeping. Wake up you clod , peridot Yells. The Cerulean opens her eyes and watches Steven .

Timeskip to after football game

Wow Steven I am so proud of you, I say hugging him. Yah you did great,Garnet says giving Steven thumbs up. You were pretty cool, Amethyst says. Yeah, peridot Says. Lapis smiles and nods while Cerulean smiles slightly. Thanks guys do you think mom would have liked it ,Steven I think she would have loved it, I say.

Y/n p.o.v Timeskip later that night

Pearl everyone gets picked on at one point in there life, I say . But Steven is different then anyone else he was trained and Stevionne , I just don't think school would be good for him next year, pearl says He'll be fine he hasn't fused with Connie at school yet,I say jokingly. Pearl sighs and closes her eyes. You tired?, I ask. No I have just have had something on my mind, she says. What is it? , I say. I understand why Rose gave up herself for Steven I get what it means now to make new life and, she says. and what ? , I ask. I want to have a baby with you, pearl says. I drop my drink that I had in my hand.

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