My first impression of him, even from afar, was that he was an arrogant prick. That being said, something about him seemed so...familiar. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

When it was finally time for the ceremony to begin, Elijah and I took our seats near Wyatt and Alpha Mathus's family while Mathus began his speech. I immediately zoned out, not really caring what the man had to say about this woman who I'd never met. I scanned the audience instead, and noticed that, much like our pack, the Gold Wind pack members all seemed to share some similar features.

Three individuals on the front row caught my eye, as I got an overwhelmingly sad feeling when I looked in their direction. Assuming my abilities were picking up on something, I focused in, and quickly found that I was correct. Two girls, one in her early teens and the other much closer to my age, sat with their father to mourn the death of their beloved mother.

Only now was I beginning to feel like an asshole for my inconsiderate thoughts and comments.

Soon enough, the formal part of the ceremony ended. The pack was now left to mingle and pay their respects to the family. The two girls I'd noticed earlier had come up to stand near their mother's body and receive words of encouragement and consolation that they likely didn't even want.

Elijah and I stood nearby, remaining respectful and going through the motions. Although I could feel the emotions radiating off of the two girls who'd lost their mother, especially the eldest, I was still growing quite bored with the whole ordeal.

That was, until a familiar scent caught my attention.

How it was familiar, I wasn't immediately certain. I just knew that it was. My instincts went into overdrive, desperate to figure out why we knew that scent. My head snapped in the direction of a collection of smaller buildings and an orchard to the far left of the courtyard. The smell was coming from there. I knew it.

But why wasn't anyone else paying attention to this odd smell? I assumed it must only be familiar to me. That, and my abilities were once again, likely picking up on something.

"Elijah," I whispered to my mate, not wanting to draw too much attention to myself. "I'm going to go find a bathroom."

"Okay, don't get lost," he joked before leaning down to softly kiss my lips.

This was my chance. I had to figure out what that scent was. There was nothing special about it at all, other than the fact that it was mysteriously familiar, and I was the only one who was drawn to it.

Trying not to seem too eager, I slid out of the crowd and made my way over to the orchard. Although I hoped that no one would pay attention to where I was going, who was to say there wasn't a bathroom over here? After all, I didn't know what these buildings were. They were simply a group of small buildings standing next to an orchard – nothing too out of the ordinary about that, right?

Moving slowly and quietly, I approached the buildings and walked around back to where the orchard began. I took a quick look behind me, and when I was satisfied that no one had followed me, I continued forward.

I quickly decided that this little orchard was the most gorgeous part of the pack. A variety of apples decorated the trees, ready to be picked any day it seemed, and the grass seemed a bit greener.

Then a rustling sound caught my attention.

I whipped around to my right to see someone I'd never expected to see here, in Gold Wind. Someone I hadn't seen at all in nearly three years.


"What in the hell Rhett!" I whisper-yelled, not wanting anyone at the ceremony to hear me.

"Lena?" he questioned, looking a bit stunned. Clearly, he hadn't expected to see me here either.

"What are you doing in Gold Wind? And on a day like this, when everyone is on high alert? Goddess, please tell me it wasn't you," I rambled.

"No, no! Fuck no," he growled lowly, causing me to jump.

"What is up with you? Something isn't right here. You seem distraught. I can feel the intense blend of emotions rolling off of you. Nothing about this is right, so I'd suggest you explain yourself before anyone else notices you're here," I demanded.

Rhett sighed angrily and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration," It's complicated Lena. Fuck! It's so complicated. I moved my rogues nearby not too long ago. We brought in a few new guys along the way. I thought they were fine – they seemed like good guys, but one of them snapped and attacked a Gold Wind pack member. He killed that woman they're all mourning."

"What the fuck!" I hissed at him. "Why'd you move here? Better yet, why are you still here? You all should be running hundreds of miles in the opposite direction!"

"I told you, it's complicated," he snapped.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I'm the queen of complicated, Rhett. Now, spit it out."

"My mate...she's in this pack. The woman who was killed was her mother," he admitted.

I froze at his words. Shit! He wasn't lying when he said this was complicated, but I was a Luna. I had morals to uphold. Rhett was my friend, though. How could I turn him in? I knew him. I knew he would never harm anyone or risk the safety of his rogue pack like this. I believed him, completely.

But before I had the chance to discuss the matter any further, Elijah mind-linked me.

"You okay in there? Try and hurry back. Things have just got complicated," he told me.

This whole fucking day was complicated.

"What? How?" I replied.

"Alpha Wyatt has found his mate. She's the eldest daughter of the deceased woman," he explained quickly.


"I'll be right there."

That's all, folks. This is officially, officially the end of Luna Lena! How did ya'll like THAT for an Epilogue? I'm sure those of you who have read Luna Hana are extremely intrigued, and if you haven't read Luna Hana, GO DO IT RIGHT NOW!!! Things may be a little spoiled for you, but at least this epilogue will make a lot more sense! If it's been a while since you read Luna Hana, re-reading Chapter 1 may refresh your memory a bit.

Thank you all SO MUCH yet again for all of the kind comments, love, support, and everything throughout this writing process! Although it's a bit sad for another story to end, I'm so excited to start writing Luna Zahra regularly! 

xoxo -V

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