My nerves were getting to me and Nick was due to arrive any time from now. I put on my black Converse and took one last look at myself in the mirror before heading downstairs to join everyone.

"Is your girlfriend coming?" I asked James as I sat down at the island and watched mum cook.

"She'll be here but honestly I don't want you guys to meet her just yet," he said whining.

"Why is that son?" dad asked joining us in the kitchen.

"Because you'll embarrass me and I don't want her to go running for the hills just yet."

We all laughed at him because he wasn't wrong there, mum would definitely embarrass him and me anytime.

"We would never do that to you," mum said smirking. "Now take this to the dinning room."

James took the plate from her and walked to the dinning room just as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," I shouted and sprinted to get the door.

When I opened the door, Nick was standing there wearing black jeans, a black jumper with a gray button up dress shirt underneath with black Toms. He also had a small Tupperware container in his hands.

He bit his bottom lip. "Wow! You, beautiful," he spoke once he saw me and his eyes racked up and down me.

I nearly blushed at his comment before allowing him in. "You clean up well too."

"Thanks, I took your advice and ditched the leather jacket for this," he said pointing to his shirt with a scowl.

I shook my head and led him into the kitchen to meet everyone officially as my boyfriend.

"Nice to see you again Nick," my mum said and pulled him in for a hug before whispering something in his ear that made him smile.

"Nice to see you Kate. My mom made these and she hopes you will like them," he said handing her the container.

"Thank you. That was so thoughtful of her," mum gushed.

The entire time both James and dad were eerily quiet before dad spoke.

"I need to talk to you before dinner starts," dad said and I saw Nick visibly gulp before he nodded and followed my dad into his office and James trailed behind.

"I just hope they don't scare him," I breathed.

"If they do they will have to deal with me," my mum said with a devilish smile as the doorbell rang once more. "I'll get it, just take some water and calm down."

My mum went to answer the door and moments later she came back with Lisa.

"Umm...Lisa what are you doing here?"

"James didn't tell you I'm his girlfriend?" she asked and mum smiled knowingly while my mouth dropped open in shock.

I can't believe that sly boy, why didn't he tell me he was dating Lisa. I really like her and I hope he doesn't screw this up because she's the closest I have to an older sister.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed before I rushed to her and pulled her into a tight embrace. "You should have told me."

"I thought he would tell you. I'm sorry Alexis," she apologised.

"No it's okay, I'm just so happy," I said just as the door to my dad's office opened and out they came.

Dad had a pleased smile, Nick looked semi relived while James was trying hard to fight the smile that wanted to appear.

"Lisa!" dad exclaimed as he saw her and then looked at James as realisation struck him. "Oh I didn't see this one."

We sat at the table, with Nick and I sitting on one side while James and Lisa sat opposite us with dad taking the head and mum the other. Everyone dug in and there was small dinner chatter here and there which I didn't mind.

"What are your plans after you graduate highschool in the next coming months?" dad asked referring his question to Nick.

"I've always wanted to study Criminal Law but I knew my mom couldn't afford to pay for my college tuition so I wasn't going to attend.  But after the decathlon, I'm positive Criminal Law is what I'm going to do," he responded and then shoved his fork in his mouth.

My dad had a proud smile on his face as he gauged Nick's reply. "That is very impressive unlike Alexis over here who can't make up her mind," he joked and everyone laughed except me.

"Hardy har har dad," I said with an eye roll. "I'm leaving my options open."

"I'm just saying," dad said raising his hands up in mock surrender.

"All right let's give the poor girl a break," mum said still laughing. "How did you two start dating?" she asked Lisa and James.

"Lisa and I have Bio class together and she's literally one of the smartest students in it," James began as he looked at her with an adoring smile, "and I sucked at it so I asked her to tutor me considering I know her and she agreed. After that, we started spending a lot of time together and I asked her out."

"Which means you guys have biology together," I said with a wink and everyone turned to look at me before bursting into laughter.

"That's the lamest joke I have ever heard," Nick chimed in. "It's so bad that it's hilarious."

"Exactly what I thought," James chirped in between his laughter."

"Gee okay I get it, I suck at jokes no need to rub it in," I tried to defend myself.

After we finished dinner, we went to the living room while mum brought out dessert: ice-cream and biscuits.

It was weird how everyone got along as if we had all known each other for a long time, when in fact they just met Nick and Lisa, although we've ve known her for some time, we didn't really know her until now.

"We'll be in my room," I said once we had finished dessert and I grabbed Nick's hand.

"Leave the door open,"dad shouted.

I rolled my eyes but did as he said.

"This is your room?" Nick asked as he took in my room.

It had white walls with no posters, a desk near the window, the bed was pushed to one side with a bedside table, a bookshelf, a closet and a bathroom. "Yes it is. It's kind of bland but I like it," I said as I sat at the edge of my bed.

Nick walked over to my bookshelf and ran his fingers over the spines of the books. "It's so bland and boring, just like you," he said.

"Thanks! Hey! I'm not boring nor am I bland," I stated matter-of-factly.

"I'm kidding Alexis, I really do like it," he said as he continued to take it all in. "I thought it would be awfully colorful with band posters or in your case, posters of male book characters but it's not. It's unique in your own weird way and I like it that much more."

"Gee thanks," I replied sarcastically. "Let me guess, your room is painted black with gray and is depressing as you, right?"

"You know me so well babe."

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