If Gray had had any food or drink in his mouth at that moment, he would've spit it all over Natsu.

But happily he didn't. Though he almost choked on his spit. That would've been awkward.

"What," Natsu said, as Gray went quiet. "Hasn't anyone ever told you that you look good before? You really do."

People had told him that. Many times.

(*cough* I think so and so do you)

"Eh... Well... They have."

"Do you react like this every time?"


"Then why now?"

"Because it's you."

"What's so special about it being me? Is it because I'm a guy?"

"No... It's not. Happens occasionally too."

"Then what?"

"Well, it's you. And that makes it... More special, I guess. You're my- close friend. It's special to have your approval, I guess."

Natsu looked at Gray.

Then he smiled.

"We should get going. It's almost eight, and the club is quite a walk from here."


The two of them walked through the living room. Gray could see Natsu looking at the TV with his PS3 plugged in.

"I want to play," Natsu said longingly.

"Not happening," Gray said to Natsu. "You said you'd come."

"Gray... Can I bring my 3DS?"

"No. Socializing and video games is not a combination that works."

Natsu didn't argue with the logic. He even shut his mouth for once, which probably was good for Gray, who didn't really want to talk right now


They arrived at the crowded party around 8.30 as planned.

They were immediately seen by Lucy who waved them over. Gray waved back and walked over to her.

"Gray! How did you get Natsu here?" She turned around and waved a group over.

"Well, I think it's a one time thing." He glanced over at Natsu, who looked extremely uncomfortable.

"We're glad to have you here. Levy, check this out!" Lucy gestured to Natsu, like he was a new shirt or something.

"HI NATSU!" Levy said, overly excited. Natsu stepped back a little, and Lucy looked angrily at Levy.

"Levy! Don't scare him. He's not used to partying. But I hope he'll be back, he's too hot to sit inside." Lucy added a wink.

Natsu blushed and mumbled something that sounded like "I'm not interested."

"Oh, sorry Natsu," Levy said, still super excited. "I hope you have fun!" She skipped back to the others.

"We're done with people," Gray whispered to Natsu. "Let's go get a drink and just enjoy ourselves." He grabbed Natsu's arm and dragged him across the room to the bar.

As the bartender prepared something, Gray could see how Natsu again and again rested his hand against his pocket. Gray couldn't help but wonder why.

"Natsu, what's in your pocket?"

"Ehm, nothing."


"Well... It's my GameBoy Advance Sp."

Gray groaned. "Why on earth would you bring that?"

Natsu looked down. "It... Comforts me. A little."

Gray sighed again. "If you're so nervous and can't even go one night without your video games, then why did you come here?

The bartender put down two drinks on the counter. Gray quickly grabbed one of them, but Natsu hesitated before he took the other one himself.

Gray just couldn't stand Natsu being this uncomfortable, so he just grabbed Natsu's arm and dragged him out of there.

"Gray?" Natsu said when they came outside. "What are you doing?"

"Why are you here? You're so uncomfortable and you're not having fun whatsoever."

"I... Thought that you'd be sad if I didn't come, and I didn't want that."

"Well, now you're sad instead."

"Why would you care, I mean, I'm the one with the stupid crush, so if you're happy I'm fine."


Natsu's cheeks turned to a dark red colour.

"Holy shit. Gray. I did not say that. Forgive me. Please don't ditch me forever!"

"Natsu, did you mean that?"

"No! Gray! Sorry."

Natsu turned to run but Gray grabbed his arm.



"I wouldn't leave you forever."

Not really knowing what to do, Natsu threw his arms around Gray's neck. "I'm sorry," he said again not knowing what else to say.

"It's all ok, I promise."

Then Gray leaned down, and lips met lips.


Gratsu (and more) one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora