Why WattPride?

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In my country LGBT community isn't accepted by the others.

Voicing your opinions saying the otherwise would only lead to hatred being thrown to you. 

My religion hates those who swing the other way.

But I am different. I don't think the same as others.

It is scary to be different.

But I am not changing anything that I believe in.

I am not ready yet to say anything about this delicate matter to public.

Not ready to be brave to the public.

I am so sorry to those who can't be save as I can't be with them at the moment.

Not being a pillar support.

I am so sorry that I am scared to help them.


I hope to who read this book can help you.

Regardless of who you are, where you are.

There are people who will accept you.

If the current people don't accept you,

There will always be a second family you.

There is always a shoulder for you to cry on.

Don't be afraid for who you are.

Don't push people who are different from you.

Being different is scary.

But you never need to cut and fit yourself into their expectations.

With warm smiles,


We Will Be FineМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя