Chapter Thirty-One

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Nikki flew from the car, running towards the service station's entrance faster than should be possible. Throwing caution aside, she didn't care if anyone saw her; all that mattered was getting to Sam and Josh fast. Cutting through the torrential rain, she kept her eyes moving, scanning the skies for any signs of the approaching demons.

"Josh!" Her mind raced as quickly as her legs, running through the potential reasons for the Hunters appearance. Could they be out for revenge, after all Nikki had a hand in murdering two of their kind? Had they teamed up with Latébris or Mortemb as hired assassins? Maybe they'd come looking for the book? Whatever the reason, Nikki knew the situation was deadly serious. The Hunters were out in broad daylight, something she'd not seen before. But how? The town and all it's inhabitants had disappeared with the rising sun, so how could they be here now?

Reaching the uninspired brown service station, the automatic double doors slid open but before Nikki could bolt through, four pairs of horrific wings stretched out in front of her, blocking her path. Skidding to a halt, Nikki tripped over her own feet and was sent sprawling into the gutter. Landing in a water logged heap, her heart thrashed and the air burned as it sped in and out of her lungs. Throwing herself back, she splashed around, trying to understand what was happening.


One of the hunters stepped forward, folding its wings underneath the shabby cape thrown around the skeletal frame. Nikki didn't hang around long enough to listen to the rest of the sentence. Glad for the dire weather keeping people in their cars she darted away from the building. Heading away from civilisation she tore through the car park and scrambled down a steep embankment leading to a large field adjacent the service station. Bordering the vast open space, a hedge, which had been hidden in the dip, rose out of the soggy ground to block her path. Cursing, Nikki re-evaluated her options. She couldn't go back, that would lead the deadly creatures to Josh, but she wouldn't make it far if she ran. The only option open to her was to hide and hope for the best.  Staying low, she ran the perimeter, desperately searching for a hiding place whilst hoping she'd tempted the Hunters away from the Guardian's.

It wasn't long before she heard the familiar beating of wings in the sky above her. Refusing to look up, she pressed on, pushing her body and testing its limits. But even though she was faster and more agile than ever, she didn't stand a chance of outrunning the creatures hovering over her.

Making a snap decision she closed her eyes and jumped, throwing her body over the large hedge. Landing atop the sharp branches and thorns she pulled herself over, ignoring the spikes entering her supple flesh and tearing it open. Scrambling against the elements she landed in a pile on the opposite site of the hedge, bloodied but far from defeated.

"You have no reason to run. We are not here to harm you or your companions."

They landed in formation, cutting off her exit and boxing her in.

"You." One of the assassins stepped forward and pointed its finger. "You must kill us."

Blinking, Nikki's mouth dropped open. Had she heard right?  Dropping its emaciated arm, the Hunter who had spoken bowed its head and withdrew its vast wings. "Please. " The plea carried on the wind.

Nikki's mind whirled. She'd run from these creatures for years, learning the hard way that any involvement with them would lead to her death. To see them before her, vulnerable and asking for her help, set her nerves on edge. She shivered but it wasn't the weather or the drenched clothes clinging to her, causing her reaction.

Don't trust them, a voice whispered over her ragged breaths, the second you let your guard down they will pounce.

"H-how are you here? It's broad daylight. H-how are you here?" Surreptitiously she looked for an escape but they had her surrounded. She was completely at their mercy and that was something she'd learned these beings did not possess.

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