Chapter Fifteen

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Sam lifted his head and reached out an arm, his fingers grasping at the air desperately. In the centre of the garden he remained knelt before the Hunter who was backing away, crashing ungracefully through the jungle like growth.

"No!" The word left Sam's lips in a hollow cry.  "It can't be!"

Josh watched with a morbid fascination as the Hunter retreated, its eyes fixed on Sam. It was only when a strange gurgling sound met his ears that he remembered where he was and what had happened. Behind him, Nikki lay in the mud, her clothes and hands stained scarlet as blood drained from the hole in her chest.

He threw himself to his knees and clutched her floppy body in his arms. "Fuck! Nikki, hold on, we'll get you inside."

"No-" She coughed, choking on the blood pooling in the bottom of her lungs. "Sam ... Help--" She gasped, unable to catch her breath to finish what she needed to say. Grabbing Josh tightly, she focussed on the words she needed to say and prayed the pain wouldn't block her message.

"Help Sam, the Hunter will kill him!"

"Oh God! Ezekius, help her!"

"Help Sam!"

She knew Josh was experiencing some of her agony, so she grit her teeth and concentrated harder. She needed to make him hear her but at the moment he was too consumed by her agony. She inhaled, trying to take a deep breath but as the air met the warm blood it gurgled and burned making her splutter.

"Jesus! Nikki, hold on, please!" The desperation in his voice was clear and Nikki knew she'd lost him.

"Listen!" she mentally cried, biting back the gasp that tried to break free. "Sam needs you. Forget about me,  I'll be okay but Sam's about to die! Help Sam. Please Josh, LISTEN!"

"I..." Josh checked over his shoulder and found Sam exactly as he'd left him - on his knees stretching out to the retreating creature.

"Save him!"

"I can't leave you--"

"You HAVE to. Trust me, it looks worse than it is, help Sam. Both of you! Help Sam then concentrate on me."

Josh tore his gaze from hers. "Are you--"

"Yes! Now go, save your friend before that thing kills him!"

Hesitantly, Josh released her and turned away.

"Nikki." Zeke's defeated tone seeped in to her conscious. She knew what he was going to say but there wasn't time to dwell on the inevitable.

"Zeke, don't let this thing take two lives. Help Sam, please. Save him... Save them, they need you." She relaxed back against the earth and closed her eyes. She needed to conserve her energy.

Sensing that she'd said her piece, Ezekius quickly removed his cloak and laid it over her. Already she was cooling but he willed her to hold on just a little longer.

Tentatively he walked to Sam. The Hunter had stopped moving and was now pressed up against the old stone fountain. It had pulled its wings tightly around itself, but the head remained visible. The lips hung open and it's razor sharp teeth gleamed against the black flesh of the mouth. Its eyes were glued on Sam and for the first time, Ezekius noticed something other than bloodlust in the unwavering stare. He faltered in his step. The Hunter looked pained, as if just the presence of Sam injured it somehow.


The hunter hissed, baring its teeth at the demon and stretching out its wings. Ezekius observed the warning and stopped. Holding out his hand he brushed Josh's arm, grasping him when his fingers made purchase and pulling him closer.

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