Chapter Six

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Josh muscles tightened as Sam's voice echoed through his frantic mind.

"We stay!" he growled and Josh could almost picture his thunderous glare.

Tightening his grip on Joanne's hand he was torn. The connection with his new Charge was growing stronger and the need to keep her away from the oncoming danger was warring with his urgency to get back to Nikki. He spat out a curse. This was a no win situation. 

They ran through the sleeping town, crossing deserted roads and passing blacked out windows but they were moving far too slow for Josh's liking. He knew without Ezekius, Joanne and Nate holding him back, he would have reached the church by now.

"What if they aren't lying? What about Nate and Joanne?" he worried, forgetting that Ezekius could hear his thoughts.

"This is no rouse, Guardian. The danger is very real, for us all." Ezekius retorted.

Gritting his teeth, Josh risked a backward glance at the woman he was dragging. Her large eyes were open wide in fear and her bottom lip quivered as she tried to hold back her tears.

This isn't going to work. I can't put her in danger.

In his mind he heard Nikki as clearly as if she were by his side.

"Meet us at the house. Keep yourselves and your Charges safe." Nikki begged, pushing an image of an old abandoned house in to their collective psyche. But the sound of her voice only intensified his need to be with Nikki. Repeating his earlier curse, he stopped running, turning to catch Joanne as she barrelled in to him.

"This is no good. I can't be pulled in two directions without someone getting hurt! Sam, you and Ezekius take Joanne and Nate to the house and I'll help Nikki. I have to be with Nikki but I can't endanger Joanne."

Josh looked down into her green eyes, a reassuring smile spreading unconsciously across his face.

"That won't work, it's after me too. Our only option is to lure it away--" Ezekius began.

Josh glared at the demon. "I'm not leaving her again!"

Watching through Ezekius' eyes, Nikki inhaled, willing her racing heart to steady. Unable to stand Josh's impossible choice she made a rash decision.

"You won't have to, hold on, we're coming to you."

She knew Ezekius would protest and he was right, but so was Sam. They had to work together instead of pulling in the opposite direction. Jerking her head, she motioned to Sam that it was time to go, and pulled her arm from him.

"Zeke, don't argue just listen. We need to make this decision together and we need to hurry. Standing arguing on a corner is not helping and time is running out. Get yourself to Canon Street and wait for us there."

"This is unwise, Nikki, the hunter is closing in and you're leading it straight to them." Ezekius answered, leading his small group to the rendezvous point.

"If we're quick it'll be okay. I want Sam to take the two Charges to the house and Josh can come with us. If we're smart we can keep him hidden."

"And if we're not?"

"That's not an option, besides, how often have you told me to let him back in? You finally got your wish so help me keep them safe."

Even across the distance, Ezekius could sense the renewed determination in Nikki. It lightened his mood and he allowed a small smile to break free.

She was like a daughter to him; he had watched her grow from a chubby infant into the beautiful young woman Josh had met. He had observed with more than a little reserve as she'd fallen in love with her Guardian and he had stood protectively over her when she had shed her humanity and died. His attachment to her was a very human thing but it was one he cherished. He was also very aware that it occasionally clouded his judgement and he feared that this was one such case. His smile faltered.

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