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my train of thoughts was broken.i was in the middle of an episode of guilt and deleting my channel.

i dont know why,but i started crying.i had so  much going  on in my mind that i felt my heart woulde explode...i didnt even understand what was was as though  my emotions had reached overload and one buzz had got it overflowing.i did not want to see,i didnt want to see anything or anyone.i just wanted to be here crying in the darkness,wailing ,howling into the emptines of the silence outside.i did not want to see anyhting...anything for the rest of my life.i wanted this night to go and on and iust wanted to be alone,just me,the dark and my tears.

i shut my phone off.


"Mia,phone call from Keith!"

my mother shouted from downstairs...i ran down.(more like flew)

"Hello?"i said

"sup!dude!your phone is switched off and you havent even checked your you tube.itis swarming with comments from Blake Hart."

"the music producer?lame joke!"

"no!really!i am not joking he even emailed you....i dont know where he got your email id from but he says that he has sent at least amillion messages.check them out now!"

i hung up and ran back mum just stared at me as though i had grown a tail.

i opened my mail and there were 26 messages from the email id saying the same thing)


Blake Hart here.i found your YouTube channel.yoir voice is the perfect recording voice,i have a contract for you.5600 dollars per recording.

I'll handle the rest,you just give your approval.this is the perfect opportunity.i need a voice like you and you need a producer like me( 😉 not bragging).

Looking forward to your reply,

Yours sincerely,

Blake Hart.(not my team,I am personally writing this to you.I NEED you Eleanor!please say yes!)

I blacked out.

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