Chapter Seventeen: The Gala

Start from the beginning

Lucifer suggested we walk around some, so, taking his hand, he led me into the crowd as I sipped my champagne glass gingerly. We approached the bar but were stopped when a booming voice called out. "Morningstar!? Is that you, ya son of a bitch!" We turned around to see a middle aged man with blond hair approaching. Lucifer seemed to recognize him and immediately jumped into conversation with him. Lucifer introduced me, polite as he is, but the man, Mr. Hardy as it were, soon dismissed me. I stood off to the side, close enough to Lucifer but not really engaging in conversation.

"Its a drag, isnt it?" I looked over to see a striking young woman dressed in red. She stood a few feet from me, smoking a cigarette. Her bright red lipstick matched her dress. Her hair, jet black and cut to her shoulders helped to pale her. She reminded me of a more rebellious snow white. Her pale blue eyes watched me, "Im sorry?" I said. She smirked, gesturing around the place with her cigarette. "All of this? Milling around, while the men talk business," her voice was thick and throaty, I guess from the habit she had. I shrugged, a small smile dancing on my lips. "I wouldnt know, this is my first time to an event like this." Her eyes danced with humor and she glanced from Lucifer to me. "Mistress?"

"Girlfriend," I said, slightly horrified. She chuckled, taking another drag before offering me her hand. "Rhian, my husband is the CEO of a pharmaceutical company." I shook it, giving her a small smile. "Lorelai, Im here with Lucifer Morningstar." Rhian's eyes widened slightly at the mention of his name and she nodded. "Ah, hes been quite notorious in some of our social circles."

"Social circles?" I asked. She nodded, taking another drag as her eyes wandered. "Mm the wives of these," she gestured with her hand in the air, "men. Bored wives mostly," she said with a wry grin. "Its really the only thing we do, sit, drink, gossip."

"That doesnt seem like much fun." She shrugged, meeting my gaze again. "Well we're taken care of. Not to mention," she leaned in conspiratorially, glancing around and I did the same. "We know all the ins and outs of these people." She jerked her chin towards an elderly man, a young blonde woman on his arm. "Like Hank over there, works for an insurance firm. Thats Delilah, his latest wife. Hes nearly seventy and has been married eight times." My eyes widened and she smirked at my response. She pointed to another woman, an older one with her hair wrapped up in an elegant bun. She wore a power suit and held a glass of wine in her hand as she spoke with companions. "Thats Eleanor, shes been sleeping with her pool boy. Hes just barely eighteen, her husband has no idea." I scoffed and she chuckled. "So this is what high society is? Glitz, glam and gossip?"

"Pretty much, these events are mostly for people to show off their money and accomplishments." I shook my head in disbelief, downing the rest of my drink. A waiter, almost magically, appeared a moment later to take the empty glass from me. After a murmured thanks I turned back to Rhian. "So what do people say about Lucifer?" She smirked, glancing back at him. He was still deep in conversation with Mr. Hardy, now another gentleman had joined in their conversation. "Well," Rhian started, "mostly hes known for being the lively one at these events. Party boy type you know," she gestured with her hand that held the cigarette and I wondered if it would be rude of me to ask her to put it out. "Always has a different date with him, isnt afraid to throw around his money. But, from what Ive heard, people seem to believe hes part of some organized crime division in LA." My eyebrows rose and she chuckled at my expression, nodding. "Hes known for giving out favors, most with the promise of an I-owe-you in return. Nobody quite knows how or when he collects though."

"Wow," I breathed, glancing back at Lucifer. He had never mentioned anything like that to me before, but then again we hadnt known each other for all that long. Id assume that if he was involved in anything remotely shady that he'd keep me separate from it, but I doubted any of what Rhian said was true. Lucifer worked alongside the LAPD, I doubted he could be involved with anything illegal. "I wonder what theyll all say about me." I muttered. Rhian grinned, her eyes shining in a way that seemed like it had been a while since she genuinely did so. My heart went out to her, assuming she was as much a trophy wife as was Delilah over there. It must be hard to sit around and look pretty, expect to be a housewife with no real purpose in life other than being the eye-candy on your husbands shoulder. Then again, she chose this, I thought.

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