19. Merry Cringe-mas

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I was not a fucking morning person. I never have been. The only person who could drag my ass out of bed at any hour of the day or night was my father. Now that I was in college and legitimately put more than half a country's distance between us, I couldn't get out of bed on time for the life of me. However waking up with a naked woman near me is a definitely an alternative to my father.

At first, I didn't think much of what was happening. There were light pulls at my hair that felt nice. They reminded me of when my mom would act like a mother occasionally and hug me or play with my hair. I was in a dream-like trance when the fiddling with my hair started, and as I became more and more conscious and aware of what was happening, a feeling of panic coursed through my body. I flinched away from the person touching me and sat completely up trying to catch my breathes that were practically wheezes from how hard my hard was pounding.

I looked to my right at the blonde woman who was still laying on the adjacent pillow wearing a pastel pink bra with the comforters pulled up to her ribcage.

I don't want to say that I felt regret because I didn't exactly feel regret, but I definitely was questioning my life choices.

The worst part was that I couldn't remember if the sex was good or bad. I'm assuming that it was good for her based on her bright smile that blinded me the way the sun does when you're use to the darkness, yet we had also been high so everything was usually better when your high anyway.

Side note: Generally speaking to all you readers out there who party too hard like me, if the sex isn't memorable, it wasn't good enough for your brain to care. Well... that or you were roofied. If that is the case, it's not your fault that you were taken advantage of. There are cruel people in this world who deserve to be slain by me, and it's not your fault that someone drugged you and raped you. If you figure out the culprit, please contact me and Uncle Pink will gouge his fucking brains out.

I jumped and touched my chest quickly to make sure that I was still wearing my shirt, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that it was still covering me. I extracted comfort from the fabric shielding my back from the world I didn't want to look at the woman because I was a bit shameful for letting myself go when I could've been with Lola and Peaches. Sure, I don't like classy parties, and I would rather get laid than make small talk with near strangers. But, this woman was a bit of a mess. I couldn't tell if I took advantage of her or if she took advantage of me. I was guessing the latter based on the odd feeling of loneliness that swelled inside me.

I felt worse.

I glanced back at the woman who smiled and reached out to grab me and pull me in to cuddle. I declined the offer promptly by stretching my limbs away from her in an attempt to wake up fully.

"That was something else," the woman spoke in a sultry way that made me wonder if she thought we were together now, "it was great besides the fact that you kept preventing me from taking your shirt off,"

Good. I'm glad that even my intoxicated self was still private about scarred parts of my body.

"Probably for the better," I sighed and started to get out of the bed to get dressed.

This got her confused. She propped herself up on the bed frowning.

My suspicions that she was going to be clingy after this obvious one-night stand was growing to the point of almost truth.

"Wait, where are you going?" She ask in a worried tone which hinted at the fact that she probably had some form of abandonment issues

I turned away from her and rolled my eyes as I pulled on my dress pants and buttoned them up quickly.

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