16 - I Survived My Trip To NYC

Start from the beginning

Confused, Ezra answered the phone call, "hello?"

"Go to the ferry, now!"

"Excuse me?"

"This is Tony Stark, Peter messed up. I'm getting there as quick as possible, but you need to go now."

"Tony? What are you talking about?"

"Go!" The phone call ended and Ezra stood still up. Not sure how to respond to the call she had received, she thought of every ferry port in the city. Only one came to mind, and she took her gut instinct.

Because of the slightly chilly temperatures, Ezra grabbed her new jacket and ran towards the street.

Not entirely sure of what she was getting herself into, Ezra's mouth dropped to the ground.

Her eyes were watching in terror as a large ferry boat was literally cut in half. Dozens of screaming ferry goers were heard from far and wide. Hanging in the middle of it all, was a struggling Peter Parker.

Looking closer, it seemed as though he was holding everything together by his webs. Ezra held her breath, that was never going to work.

She now realized why Tony Stark called her. Sighing loudly, which caused terrified by passers to stare, she lifted her hands, feeling the familiar sting of energy race through her body.

Emanating emerald from her fingertips, the boat was beginning to place itself back together.

A confused Peter Parker, spotted the cause of this, knowing right away that Tony had sent for her.

People on the boat seemed to realize where this magical action was coming from, and most people began to cheer.

Ezra on the other hand was struggling. Weight this heavy was still painful for her, especially since she didn't know how long she'd be keeping it up for.

It all seemed to go by in a flash, because Iron Man was suddenly piecing and mending the boat back together.

Letting herself fall to the ground in exhaustion, Ezra noticed unmasked Spider-Man sitting by himself.

Watching his expression drop, as the sounds of Iron Man's suit flew over, she almost felt bad.

She knew this wasn't going to end well.

"Previously on, Peter Screws the Pooch. I tell you to stay away from this, instead you hacked a multi million dollar suit, so you could sneak behind my back, doing the one thing I told you not to do." Ezra's eyes widened, she had no idea what Peter had done to his suit.

"Is everyone okay?" Peter questioned, staring out at the water.

"No thanks to you." The tension in the air was almost unbearable, when all the anger had finally built up within Peter.

"No thanks to me? Those weapons are out there, and I tried to tell you about it, but you didn't listen." Ezra had no clue as to what weapons he was talking about. "None of this would've happened if you jut listened to me!" Her short body backed away from the two, as she silently watched everything unfold. "If you even cared you'd actually be here."

Tony Stark stepped out of his iconic red suit, causing Peter to gulp hard. "I did listen, kid. Who do you think called the FBI?"

Peter didn't respond.

"Did you know I was the only one that believed in you? Everyone else said I was crazy for recruiting a fourteen year old kid."

"I'm fifteen." He mumbled, backing slowly away from Tony. Ezra cringed at his words, knowing that he should've kept his mouth shut.

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