chapter 47

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( Still carrying on from the flashback )

Young Caroline pov

We were just talking in the fields and we were laughing and just having a lot of fun. He was skipping his birthday for me which made me feel so wanted in his life. We really were becoming best friends and I loved the feeling of it. We got to know everything about each other though there isn't much to learn about me but I go to know all about him. He has a passion for art and music and he promises that he'll teach me to draw one day. I'm making him keep that deal.

" Do you miss your father " Nik asked and i was hesitant to ask but I answered trufully.

" My mom yes but she probably died by now and my brother I miss him so much he was like a dad to me but my father... No I hated my father and he hated me before I could even say words. He blamed me for everything wrong in his life. " I told Nik

" I know how that feels " he told me and I looked at the sky and then looked at Nik.

" I'm sorry for the way I acted for these whole five months I've been with you it's just when my father gave me up I was so angry and I know I should of felt happy that I was leaving him because he was horrible to me but I was so.. angry " I said on the verge of crying.

" Why " he asked

" Because he just gave me up in a heartbeat I'm sure he had that chance again he wouldn't change a thing... Why doesn't my dad want me? " I started to cry and Nik hugged me and I hugged him back.

" It's ok I promise you everything will be ok. " He told me


" So that's how you stated your beautiful relationship " bonnie giggled I'm pretty sure both of them were hammered

" No that's just how we started out friendship " I smiled

" What great story... Now let's party " Elena and bonnie decided to dance and I was half way threw dancing with them when I felt something shift in my body. It was like the weirdest feeling ever but i knew I had to stop dancing.

" Why did you stop dancing? " Bonnie asked.

" I'm just... Urgh " I holded my stomach " I just have a stomach ache I'm going to go bed night "

" Night " they said at the same time.

I got into one of there bedrooms and I went sleep fast all the while with a strange feeling in my stomach I don't know what it was.


I woke up with the sun shining on my face and that weird feeling in my stomach had finished it was like a normal morning. I got out of bed and looked at Elena and bonnie they were passed out on the chair and I just smiled. I had a steamy shower which was so good and I got dressed in some skinny jeans and a top with little ankle boots. I didn't pack any makeup unfortunately but it'll have to do.

Then my phone started to ring it was Elijah. I answered it.

" Hey Elijah " I answered getting my stuff ready to leave

" I need you to find niklaus for me sniff him out whatever werewoves do " Elijah told me

" Thankyou for that Elijah " I sarcastically commented.

" Right sorry my manners it's I'm worried about niklaus he said he's going out changed into his wolf form then went out. God knows how many people he has killed. " He told me

" Don't worry Elijah I'll find him and yes I will clean up his mess" I told him

" Thankyou little sister " Elijah said

" Love you bye " then I hung up got my things and got some clothes for Nik.

I found him in the woods there is a little camping site I guess here and there were loads of dead bodies about less than a mile from where I found him I burned the dead bodies.

" Hey big bad wolf get up " I smiled and he opened his eyes and I threw him some clothes.

" That was amazing I remembered every kill. This never gets old " he smirked

" I'm glad you enjoyed yourself while I was having a girls night. I did clean up your little mess on the way here " I told him as he was getting changed

" Just like old times then love " he smirked while putting his top on. I smiled but then I felt that weird feeling in my stomach again like something was moving around in there.

" Love... Are you okay " he put his hands on my shoulder looking into my eyes

" I'm fine " I smiled and took his hand and walked back to our house where Elijah and Rebekah were sitting.

" Rebekah I need a word " I told her and she got up and I got her hand and went into the bathroom.

" Caroline what is it? " Rebekah asked

" That's the thing I don't know its like something is moving around inside of... " I shut up because I knew there was only one explanation for it and so did Rebekah.

" Caroline are you? " Rebekah asked and then shut up to because I couldn't even process this right now I mean how.

" No it can't no it can't be " I kept muttering over and over again.

I looked in the mirror that could show my whole bodies and I letter my top up and me and Rebekah both noticed a bump there.

" Im... I'm pregnant " I told her and she just hugged me " how am I even? "

" What Caroline? "

" When you and Elijah went out yesterday me and Nik... Oh my god how can this be happening?! " I out hand on my head.

" It's ok Caroline if you want we can tell Nik together " Rebekah told me.

" No I... I can't tell him yet " I told her and she just nodded her head in reply.

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