chapter 9

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Hi guys just letting you know for this chapter that because Caroline is not exactly apart of the family she is still an original but she could still be compelled by them

Caroline pov

He stood there as clear as day with a smile on his face. How could he smile at me after all he's done we've been running from him for a year. Killed villages just to find us. Does he not feel anything inside? He killed my dad, my mom, Eden and his wife and she was pregnant i was going to have a neice or a nefue but he killed her. if Tristen finds out if anyone finds out then we are all dead and there will be nothing I can do to stop that. Nothing.
I was trying to get Nik but this is Mikael I'll have to sort him out.
I grabbed him to a wall and was strangling him.

" Take it your not that happy to see me " he smiled

" You killed my village my friends my family. You killed a pregnant woman you killed children. Now you think I'll be happy to see you well your wrong " I tried to strangle him but he was just laughing. He grabbed my hand of him and threw me back at the walk then Elijah came in

" Father " he looked at him

" Hello son " he smiled

" What are you doing here " he asked

Mikael the dick landed me in a sword I know I won't hurt me but still the sword was still in me.

" Caroline are you okay " Elijah asked as he pulled the sword out of me.

" Ahhh... Never better. Urgh that's going to leave a scar " I got up

" Warn brothers and sister warn everybody " he told me and I sped to Nik

" Nik " is led into him room and he noticed the blood on my gown

" Caroline what happened " he asked

" We have to run Mikael he's here " I wanted him

" He hurt you didn't he? " He got angry with himself and with him

" Yes it doesn't matter though we have to get out of here tell all Rebekah kol everybody " I omost left the room but then he grabbed my hand

" What about aurora " he asked me

" Take her too I'm going to talk to Tristen now " i sped into his room and it was horrible. There were so many worn in his room that were dead and he was sucking the life out of ankther woman. Who did this to him? He was monsterous and he looked at me and he got angry.

" You.. you did this to me " he yelled

" What? I didn't do anything I swear " I told him.

" Your father did this to me " he yelled at me

" I didn't mean to destroy you " I told him

" You never told me you were a vampire either you vile creature. You claim you love me but how can such a monster ever love. You father told me about about you when I woke up after he killed me to be honest I wash you had died when Mikael stabbed you. All of your family are monsters. Your so called brother Nik he called your mother " and then I looked up but still cried.
" I hate you leave " he yelled
And he meant every word of it. I was crying. Tears were crashing down on my face and I sped out of there and i wiped away my tears. Everybody else were near the woods. Klaus looked down too. I still cant believe he killed Esther.
It was at night and everybody was asleep except for me and Nik had just came back ant get some wood.

" Is it true " I asked him while standing up

" Is what true " he asked

" Did you kill Esther " I asked him and he sat down

" I didn't mean to I was sjust confronting her but then I accidently killed her " a tear ran down his eye and I decided to change the subject.

" Where's aurora " I asked

" She said she didn't love me that I was a monster " he softened his voice " where's Tristen "

" Mikael turned him against me turned him and then told him all of these evil things.

" Like what? " He asked

" Like I'm a vile creature and no monster could love " I told him and a tear dropped from my eye

" Your none of those things " I hugged her

" Nik I'm sort of hungry " I told him and he smirked and bit his hand and gave it to me and I took a bite about after 3 minutes I stopped

" Thank you " I smiled

" You'll always be myside won't you Caroline " he stood up and so did I

" Nik I took an oath I'm sticking out to the end " I smiled. I was about to walk the other way but he grabbed me and kissed me and I kissed back I let go to catch my breath. He looked shocked by what he did

Klaus pov

My feelings have hightened since I became a vampire my feelings for Caroline has hightened. Im sorry Caroline.

" You will not remember what I just did " I compelled her

" Well goodnight Nik " she smiled.

I can't let her know yet what if she does to me what aurora did.

her past-klaroline fan ficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें