chapter 13

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Caroline pov

I was so mad at Nik the boy who I knew would of never thought of doing this even 400 years ago he would of never thought about doing this either. I didn't talk to Nik for the next two days I did miss him so much. I was sitting on my make-up table looking at the necklace Nik gave me many moons ago then he cane into my room. He was probably still informing me today is the sacrafice. I tried to ignore him. I wondered if I had to talk first and I decide that it is Nik so I will have to.

" If your coming to remind me the sacrafice is today don't bother " I told him

" You and Katrina have gotten close in these past days. You have become great friends " he said

" She's a sweet girl I know what it is like for a family to not treat you well. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if you hadn't found me that day you never noticed me "

" I would of turned out alot worser than I am now love. I realise you disagree with my methods but I'm doing this for you too " he told me

" How?! Your killing a innocent girl. Your siblings may not have the courage to stand up to you but I do! " I stood my ground

" And that is what I like about you you can never be afraid of me " he told me

" Don't kill her " I begged him

" I'm sorry love I really am " he told me

" Yeah so am I " I walked away

A couple of hours later

I was still angry not as angry as I was but still angry. I was reading a book then Nik came storming in to Elijah who was also in the room.

" Where is she " Nik asked Elijah.

" I do not understand " Elijah told him

" Katerina has fled " Klaus screamed

" I will find her " Elijah sped out if the room

" I'm going to make her pay for what she did to me " he smirked

" Nik " I warned him but he sped.

I was scared of what he will do. When he is angry he can do stupid things very stupid things. I was playing the piano Elijah taught me how to play it. He was gone for hours I was really worrying. He finally came with blood on his shirt.

" Nik " I walked up to him and ran my fingers down his too to see the blood. " Who's blood is this? "

" Katrina family " he informed me

" What?! " I turned around to him

" Katerina is gone I wanted to make her feel pain " he was saying but interrupted him

" What is wrong with you?! I am reaching out to you despite everything that you've done and you still cant get out of your own way. GOD! I feel sorry for you " I turned my back on him then he died Infront of me.

" DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON ME! " He yelled at me

" I SHOULD OF TURNED MY BACK ON YOU AGES AGO " I yelled back and there was silent for seconds. I wanted to kiss him so bad. His lips crashed to mine and he started to kiss me passionately. I stopped to take a breath and we bothed smiled at each other and we kissed again and we sped to the piano. He lifted me up on the piano and we started making out then we sped to the wall and I stopped.

" This doesn't mean anything " I whispered

" Of course love "

I took his top off and started to kiss him. My head was telling me to stop but I couldn't stop myself. If I could help myself I would. We had amazing sex.

I woke up in the morning and Nik was by myside smirking

" Hey " I sat up and layed in his shoulder

" Hey " he smirked

" So we do agree that this was just a one time thing " I asked

" Of course but this thing is t finished yet " he smirked and started kissing me again.

I wash things were like this all the time but I'm paranoid like him too I'm worried he will get bored of me or leave me like many in the past who I thought I had loved me

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