chapter 44

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Caroline pov

I got out of mother room as Finn cane in and I was lying on the couch with Nik stroking my hair and cuddling up to me. Kol was still lying on the floor dead he should be waking up any minute now. I was still angry at Rebekah because she told me she was trying to kill Matt then she changed her mind. As for my mother I am growing to love her again but I still feel like something is up with her something bad. It was midnight and kol still hadn't woken up I must of snapped his neck good. Them kol awale and he looked pissed off with me but I wasn't going to let Matt die.

" Finally we didn't think you would wake " Nik smiled and we sat up.

" You snapped my neck " he yelled at me

" And you were about to kill matt. Besides your still here aren't you your still breathing " I told him

" Where's Rebekah " kol asked

" I don't know she never returned she probably at Matt's or something " I told him and he smiled.

" What a scandal " he smiled and went upstairs.

Me and Nik decided to go to bed and I dropped as soon as I got into the covers as did Nik. It's definitely been a long day.


It was morning and me and Nik were on the sofa my legs over lapped his legs and he was whispering adorable things in my ear and o was giggling which was hard not to do since I was trying to sketch as was he. Esther and Finn were doing something in her room I still can't listen because of her sage. Rebekah still hasn't turned and Elijah is out with Elena they have been spending an awfully alot of time together. Are they liking each other? Kol is nowhere to be seen.

" Hey my favourite love birds " kol came in with a big smile on his face. " How is my neck breaker "

" Your not letting that go are you? " I smiled while still sketching

" No you were just lucky I didn't snap your neck " he told me

" You do and I'll tear out your vocal cords " Nik smirked at him and I smiled at him. He's always been so over proctetive of me even when we were children. When ever Mikael came home all angry and frustrated he would protect me.

Rebekah quickly walked through the doors and I guess she was attempting to not get caught especially by kol but everybody knew that wasn't happening.

Rebekah tried to go right then kol went right then if she went left Kol went left.

" Get out of my way kol " she told him

" Out of all night what a scandal I hope you did better than that commoner... Matt was it? " Kol smiled.

" If you don't shut your mouth the next things that will be coming out if it is your teeth! " She got past him and me and Nik were smiling.

" Don't start Nik " Rebekah stood pissed off

" I didn't say anything " Nik smirked.

" Well sister is a strumpet but atleast she's having fun " he joked " I need entertainment "

" Well go on the doors are there have at it " Nik told him

" It's no fun to go alone join me Nik and you Caroline it's the least you could all do after sticking a dagger in my heart " he used his puppy eyes. It must be a family thing.

We looked at him and then for a second we looked at each other and we put our sketches down.

" Fine why not ? "  He smirked.

" Besides I didn't have nearly enough drink with you nearly murdering Rebekah's date " I smiled and Rebekah got angry

" Yes please go this house has too much men Rolling around in it " she commented. Implying that I was a man.

" Just like you Rebekah " kol joked and she threw a shoe at me and kol and we dodged it and ran.

" Good riddance all of you " she shouted

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