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The first week at Leighton had been terrible.

Much similar events like the one that happened in the cafeteria had occurred many times during the week and had only grown worse. The students were hell bent on making the fact that she didn't belong at Leighton sink into her head. They had gone from tripping her to taking stuff from her locker to leaving crude notes where she could find them and plain out humiliating her whenever they could.

Amara had given up trying to eat in the cafeteria. Now, she stuck with eating lunch at the library with Kylie who was the only friend she had at Leighton besides Raj, who by the way was still not aware that she had been marked. He spent a lot of time with his new team so he hardly ever witnessed the way that she was being treated. But that didn't mean that he ignored her, quite the contrary. Whenever he was able to get away from the guys and that was mostly when he had AP classes, he spent them with her.

They also got to spend time together at the house after school. And they especially enjoyed talking while laying next to each other on their bed. Speaking of which, they were supposed to be getting another one today.

"Where are you going?" Raj's sleepy voice pulled Amara away from the task of tying her shoelaces. She looked behind her where Raj lay still half asleep even as he pushed himself up a little to look at her.

"I'm having breakfast with Eleanor." She said returning to her task. "The woman paying for your scholarship?" Raj murmured the question, his voice laden with sleep. "Yeah," she answered setting her foot down and standing up from the couch.

"I didn't know we were allowed off school grounds." Raj stated.

"I didn't either but I think I'm only allowed cause of Eleanor." she said.

"Okay," he muttered settling into his pillow again.

"I'll see you later. Go back to sleep." She said sending a smile his way as she picked up her bag on the way to the door.

"What?" Raj's voice came again. "No good bye kiss?"

When Amara turned around, Raj still had his face in his pillow, a sly smirk playing on his lips. He was quite a sight to behold. His black curls were tussled and dishevelled from sleep; the lazy smile on his face made him look childish and cute at the same time and she was already aware how toned that stomach was under the sheets. He was very good looking and Amara found herself wondering how she slept on the same bed with him without touching him.

This thought made her warm all over.

Putting her fingers to her lips, she blew him a kiss and said a quick goodbye which earned her a chuckle before leaving the room.

"I was just about to come up and call you." Nancy greeted her by the stairs. "The car is here to take you."

"Thank you Nancy. I'll see you later." Amara smiled at the housekeeper as she moved towards the door.

"And where do you think you're off to young lady?" An unfamiliar deep baritone voice asked halting her movements towards the door.

"Victor," Nancy called out moving away from Amara and towards the owner of the voice. Amara turned around to see who had stopped her and came face to face with a gaunt and unfriendly looking man who towered over her. He looked like he had no idea what a smile was. He was in a brown coat and held a rolled up newspaper in his hand as he stepped around Nancy and came towards her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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