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"Wow," Amara whispered to herself as she took in what was to be her new home for the next three months. Leighton looked better seeing it in person than the pictures she had seen. And those pictures were amazing.

"The Principal would like to see you two," the chauffeur told them coming to a stop right in front of the entrance to the school. "Come on," Raj said to Amara already getting out of the car. "Amara," he had to call out to get her away from watching the scenery. She gave him a small apologetic smile before she followed quietly behind him still taking in the scenery.

"You must be Amara Ubani and Raj Sajid," a woman who stood at the top of the stairs that led into the school said to them with a huge smile on her face. "Welcome to Leighton," she said to them, the same bright smile still plastered on her face. "Thanks," Raj and Amara muttered. "The Principal would like to see you two. This way please." She said turning around and expecting them to follow which they did.

As they walked through halls and corridors, Amara made sure to take it all in. Leighton was just as great inside as it was outside. The buildings were obviously old but the elegance did not fade with time. She noticed how the students stared at them and whispered but she paid them no mind. She attributed the stares and whispers to the fact that they were the only ones not in the uniform but that would change soon.

"Please wait here," the lady who never gave her name said to them gesturing to the seats that were placed outside what appeared to be the Principal's office. "You seem very excited," Raj pointed out as he stared at Amara. "Is it that obvious?" She asked with a giddy smile on her face. She really could not believe she was here. "Yeah," Raj said with a light chuckle. "Never seen anyone so excited to be in school."

"Well now you have," Amara said not bothering to hide her excitement. "I'm just happy to be here, that's all."

Raj was going to say something but was cut off by the unnamed lady coming out of the office. "The Principal will see you now," she said.

As they stepped into the principal's office, all Amara could think was, 'it is finally happening.'


"That's it?" Logan asked incredulously, looking up from the file in his hand. "This can't be everything. Where's the rest of it?" the pretty blond boy fixed the squirming nerd who stood in front of him with a glare sending him a silent threat.

"I swear that's everything," nerd boy promised praying that they would let him go now. "Well, they must be really special." Dylan, the fifth member of the popular five said taking the practically empty folder away from Logan.

"If there was more, I would know. Even Mrs Cullen doesn't know much, she's just taking orders from the board." The nerd explained further hoping that would make them leave him alone. He really doubted anyone could hear him from this part of the school if they decided to do anything to him.

"Get out," Roman who had been quiet the whole time said to the nerd who was more than happy to comply. He even whispered a thank you before high tailing it out of the deserted classroom.

"I honestly don't get what you guys are so mad about." Dylan said dropping the file on a desk and fishing around in his pocket for his lighter. Ralph turned to him and fixed him with a glare that only made him smirk as he lit his cigarette.

"This woman is ruining tradition. It's been the norm for years. No one else is allowed in the fifth house but us. And now, in our final year, she decides to ruin our normal way of life. The only thing that makes this school bearable is the fact that I have my own space and I don't have to deal with so many people." Ralph ranted.

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