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The Leighton academy was a school that had been around for years and one many hoped would be around for years to come. The school was a sight to behold. The buildings were obviously old yet beautiful and one could tell the place had history. The grounds were well kept and it was also easy to tell that no expense had been spared in acquiring all the necessary facilities needed. From the pool to the labs to the classrooms to the auditorium to the courts, one could tell that everything was state of the art.

Now, in the Leighton Academy, there were four houses which served as the sleeping quarters for the students. Each house was named after a founder of the school. They were the Acosta house, the Bretford house, the Grayson house and the Laurentis house. Every student in the school had to belong to one of these four houses but there were exceptions.

The exception being the popular five as they were popularly known at Leighton High. The popular five were made up of five families that also happened to be the richest families in the school. Many years ago, they had come together and built a fifth house to be used by only them and their generations that would pass through the school.

No one else

Some thought it unfair but it wasn't like they could do anything about it. They were rich and powerful and could therefore do whatever they pleased.

This fifth house was erected three generations ago and so far, the tradition was kept.

Although, there were certain rules that guided the residents of the house. One of which was, no two generations of these families were allowed to stay in the house at the same time. No other student besides the students from the five families lived in the house.


"No," Logan Anderson said, confident that he was speaking for all of them and indeed, he was.

The Principal of Leighton, Mrs Cullen let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose as she stared at the five young men in her office.

"They are not going to stay for their duration in Leighton; just until we can figure out a place for them to stay." Mrs Cullen tried again but none of them budged. They only sat and stared as they patiently waited for her to give up so they could return to their various activities.

'Why can't this be easy?' She thought to herself still looking for ways to convince them. Leighton had just admitted two new students. Yes, they were late but she knew they were worth it. The only problem now was where they were supposed to stay. Every house was full. The only house that had a vacancy was that of the popular five. She scoffed in her head when she called them that.

They were just five students but she did not understand why they had so much power. She had only been principal for a year and in that year she had come to learn a lot. She observed how the teachers turned a blind eye whenever they broke a rule or did something wrong. She observed how the student body treated them like gods. The bulk of the advice she had received ever since she became principal was about them.

Mrs Cullen had also been made aware of the tradition concerning the house of the popular five. She knew she was threading on eggshells here breaking what was known as tradition, but this was a matter of urgency.

"Look, boys, the school is currently facing a problem of mild overcrowding. All I'm asking for is three months an..." she was going to say but was cut off by a scoff from Galen. Mrs Cullen had taken her time to study the boys that made up the popular five. Galen McCarter was the joker and sarcastic one in the group and just like their name implied, he was pretty popular among the student body. With his dark brown hair, hazel eyes and that body of a swimmer that made girls go crazy.

"Like you're going to do that in three months," Galen said with another scoff. Mrs Cullen was going to yell at him for being so disrespectful but she controlled herself by reminding herself that she was in need of their help.

"Three months and I promise that they will be out of your hair," she pleaded and this time she looked at the one standing in the corner of her office. Again, she had been studying them for a while. She observed that as much as each of them had their own cliques and were the leaders in their various cliques, when it came to the popular five, he was the leader. If she could get him to say yes then the others would fall in line.

Roman stared at her from under his bangs. The whole place was silent as they both stared at each other and the others in the room stared at them. Mrs Cullen stared with a pleading look in her eyes and Roman with absolutely no emotions in his frosty blue eyes. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

"Fine," Roman finally said breaking the tension in the room. Mrs Cullen although surprised let out a huge sigh of relief before placing a smile on her face. She really could not believe that he had agreed.

"Man, what the f*uck" Ralph said to Roman, his tone incredulous but one glare from those frosty eyes killed any further argument. Mrs Cullen only fixed Ralph with a glare deciding to ignore his language.

"Great," Mrs Cullen said breaking the glaring match between Roman and Ralph. "They move in today," she announced happily.



First chapter is up! 

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