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Amara sighed for the umpteenth time checking her wrist watch as she did. Whoever was supposed to be picking them up was two hours late. As odd as it sounded to some, for a seventeen year old, she hated tardiness and this person was beyond tardy.

"I'm hungry. Do you want something?" The dark haired teenager sitting next to her asked as he stood up. Amara looked up from her watch when she realized she was the one being spoken to. "No, thank you," she declined politely.

Amara watched the dark haired, olive skinned boy who introduced himself earlier as Raj, walk to a vending machine to get his snack before she let her eyes wander about the airport. Everyone walked with purpose. They all had places to be, people to meet and things to do. The environment was new to her. She had not seen a lot yet but, the little she had seen was still able to create a huge contrast between here and home. Even though the USA was new territory and even though she was a little scared, she could not wait to explore it.


How she missed it already.

Amara closed her eyes and behind closed lids, she could see it perfectly. Mother was in the kitchen already making dinner for the family while she hummed to herself. Her little sister, Kamdi was watching TV while pretending to study. And Father...father was as usual probably handling business. Despite the thought about her father not being around, a soft smile graced her lips as she pictured all this.

Yes, she missed it already.

If it were up to her, she would be back home now, but she could not. This scholarship was a once in a life time opportunity and she could not let it pass her by. Remembering that helped her temporarily forget the nostalgic feeling of home.

The plan was to finish high school at Leighton, a prestigious boarding school in America and get into a good college. It was a great opportunity and it was all thanks to Eleanor Bretford. Her earlier excitement returned and she could not stop the smile that played on her lips.

"What's so funny?" Raj asked slumping in his seat next to her. "It's nothing," she said, smiling a bit as the picture she had created just a few minutes ago vanished with his arrival. "So, what part of Africa are you from?" Raj asked tearing open his bag of skittles. "Massato," Amara answered politely.

"Isn't that the only developed country in Africa? And also the one with the dictator?" Raj asked slowly and unsurely, trying not to upset her. "Yeah, it is." Amara answered looking unfazed by the question. "Although, it's not a country. It is referred to as an empire, the Massato Empire, the largest in Africa." She informed him.

"Oh! I've always wanted to go to Africa. I hear Massato is a wonderful place." Raj said with a thoughtful look on his face that made her wonder. "Yeah, it really is." Amara said wistfully as she looked away from him, thoughts of home coming to mind.

"Well I've been thinking about going there d...FINALLY!" Raj exclaimed all of a sudden catching her off guard. She was going to ask if everything was all right but was cut off by him saying, "he's finally here."

Amara turned around in her seat and standing a few feet away from them was a flustered man patting his face down with a handkerchief who also happened to be holding up a sign that said 'Leighton High.'

With huge smiles on their faces, they picked up their bags and made their way towards him. As they made their way to him, Amara had totally forgotten the long speech she planned on giving for his tardiness. All she could think was, 'it is finally happening.'

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