Chapter 12: But What Does it Mean?

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After the Queen admitted to having nothing to do with the potion the juror called upon for a recess. The heat was up and the court case, hotter. How could that bottle have nothing to do with the potion that she used? I just don't understand. This is gonna take much longer to prove my innocence.

I rushed out to the lot to go meet Naomi, Antony, and Fawn.

"What the hell guys? What did you find?" I asked stumped.

"Yeah, Fauna and Antony! You guys said to would get the real deal. Not just some scam!"

"Well..." Fawn said studied bashfully.

"Um..." Antony skidded.

"Well?! What's up?! What did you guys do to the potion?!" I was getting impatient.

"We didn't mean to!" Fawn lowder.

"What didn't you guys mean to do? You sound like Queeny!"

"It's hard to explain..." said Antony trying to leer off of the topic.

"How is it hard to explain whatever you did?!"

"Just calm down and we'll tell you." Fauna said sturdy, "So when we went to her room to get something, we really didn't know what the hell it was gonna be. We found a bottle pretty similar to the one in the case but this one was real. Now calm down while I tell you what happened to the real bottle."

"Calm down?! You mean this case was a fraud?!"

"Well in some ways yes and in some ways no... you see, we dropped the real bottle on the ground and in shattered like crazy man! That's what took us so long. When we got it all cleaned up Antony ran over to the drug store and got a similar bottle. We took the paper off the shattered bottle and stuck it on our new bottle. Then got all the drops of potion we could get and replaced the rest with nuclear acid. It's likely to blow up any moment now..."

"Oh my god! You couldn't have just replaced the rest with plain old water?!" Naomi yelped, shocked.

"It wouldn't be realistic." Anthony said plainly.

"It-it wouldn't be realistic?! Are you out of your mind or just mad?!" I said in a panicky tone.

"... god-damn..." I murmured to myself, " ... god f-ing damn..."

"You know be could go to jail for this! Even prison!" Naomi was flabbergasted by the sichuation that those two had just gotten us into.

"Wow, wow..." Antony said trying to cool down everybody, "We can fix this. We just need to think outside of the box, alright?!"




"Good, now come on. The court case is back on trial!"

We walked into the musky old room agen to here coughs and dust floating around. The first time I walked into here it had a welcoming atmosphere, now all I could here were cries for help. I looked over to the corner to see my mother, draped in an old dirty shall so that know one could recognize her.

We had to win, it didn't matter that the bottle was a fraud. The only thing that mattered was getting this back to the way they used to be, maybe even better.

"Know Miss. Mayweather, would you please decide on your witness?"

"Yes, Antony, Mr. Antony Williamson. Would you please come down to the podium and sit down."

After the hearing was over we walked out of the court cass with our heads hanging low. Yes, Queeny was sentenced with life long prison. Yes, we had won. Yes, Naomi was now free. Yes, the town would go on to know the real Queen much more. There was just one thing, it almost didn't even matter. But to us, it felt like the weight of a thousand handgrenades just waiting the blow us up into a million individual pieces.

That day we left the courthouse with a guilty conscious, we had just made it out with our lives. And things would never ever be the same again. I walked into the castle, Antony walked into his cottage, and Fauna walked to wherever the hell she lives. Somehow I still haven't found that out and I swear I've been there five times... minimum! We had lies about the bottle being new and about the potion being 99% asid. That guy who tested that stuff was gonna blow up, seariusly any minute.

Naomi was still living at the castle for the time being.

"What do you think is gonna happen to us when he explodes?" I asked as if I were the evil queen or some shit.

I felt terrible but it had happened, if only Fauna and Antony had spilled the beans before court. Then we wouldn't be in this huge mess.

"I don't know... how could they do such a thing to us?!"

"They didn't mean to and you know it Naomi..." I said in anger of her blame.

"I know, I know." she sighed.

"We have to fix this. We cannot just go letting people blow themselves us. It's inhumane!"

"We have to fix it... but we cannot let Antony and Fawn it on it."

"But they were the ones to get us into this jam, they should get us out. We all need to work together to solve this."

"Exactly, we. Not them."

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a blueberry muffin shoving it in my face. Naomi followed after with her head down.

"You know, I'm supposed to do that stuff..."

"Naomi, you know that I'm older than you by like, a lot so please trust my judgment. I'm not ecstatic about this either but we have to calide."

"Oh, why do you always chose them, there crooks. There barbary. They have never done anything to help us..."

"Maybe not us but I've none them both longer than you. Please just trust..."

"Goodbye Zofia." she stammered off sarcastically.

God, she makes me so mad! Why does she always think her opinion is the right one. What am I thinking? Duh, she's an up-and-coming teanager.

"Come on Naomi! You just have to listen to me!"

I was to late, she had already left the room. Why do I always get tied up in this kind of stuff? You're probably wondering what happened to my dad, the King. Well, he went back to his normal lie. Insisting that he doesn't remember a thing. I know he at least remembers the majority. He knows about the marriage, I can see it in his eyes. He's a terrible liar.

I rushed off to my room and closed the door. The lockdown thing happened again.

"Really?! Really?!" I was up to my nose in frustration.

I was locked in the once more. I banged on the door for someone to let me out... no one came. I sat in a corner and broke out my notebook again. This time I draw of positivity, not stabbing Queeny to death. Although, I wasn't in the best spot. It was better than before and that I can be thankful for.

Finally the sun rose and the birds chirped. I guess then has finally remembered me. The door was open. 

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