Chapter 7: Found

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"Okay," I scrunched up my face and could not believe the words coming out of my mouth, " ... friend. Now show me to my other friends!"

"I'm locked up..." he pointed out.

I took the skeleton key out of my pocket wich Neomi had given me to use for only the most important and sacred reasons and turned the key unlocking the crook farmer. Man, I felt really guilty but it was the only way to save Antony and Fawn.

"There, now show me to my friends."

"Uh uh uh," he shook his finger at me.

"Oh yeah, my other friends."

"Good girl!" he congratulated me as if I were his pet dog or some shit.

He is like fifty years older than me. He knows how to get what he wants though, in a friend type of way.

"Okay, follow me..." he walked over to the cell that said 1B5.

I couldn't believe it. How could I ever let an old farmer have my trust? Why on this Earth did I believe him? He had never seen Fawn before and Antony only once. But... he had seen my mom. He sprinted as fast as possible up the stairs to free himself and I was left to face a total nightmare herself. My mother.

"Long time no see darling," I hate the way she pronounced darling.

It gave me the creeps. She was in the worst state of health I had ever seen her in. She was so skinny I could see her rib cage. She was so low on vitamin d that whenever she moved her hands trembled. It was a frightening sight. Especially saying I had just seen a hologram of her in perfect condition. She must have messed with the system or something.

"Hi..." I begin walking.

I didn't care if I got lost or not. I was gonna find my friends and get out of that joint. I kept walking and walking and walking and walking until I finally found them.

"You found us!" Fawn squeaked.

"Yeah finally," Antony said sarcastically, "I took you long enough."

"Shut up," I sarcastically said back.

You know, I don't believe I have ever mentioned this but I think of him as not only a friend but a brother. Weird right? I know, but we have known each other for so long.

"Okay, so what is up? What have we missed?" Fawn said eagerly for the palace gossip.

"Well, I met my husband not to be and got tazed, anything I'm missing out," I puzzled, "Oh yeah, I saw my mom twice which I hadn't seen in years. And I mean years." I exaggerated the word years heavily.

"Don't you dare marry that bastard!" Fawn screamed.

"Yeash! Calm down Fawn! He already blew out the match."

Fawn seemed to be much tougher and stricter in her word choices. Almost as if she had been thrown in a pit of wild buffalo and toughened up in a life-threatening situation. Given a lot to handle and handled it in the wrong way or something.

We rushed up the place stairs and up into my room, locked the door, and sat down on my bed.

"Is everything okay Zo?" Antony questioned.

"Yeah Zo, you seen a little riled up!"

"Fawn, could you please just cut it! We all know something happened... or do you really just get this hyped over just about everything?"

"Nothing happened Zo, she's just worried. Can't you take a hint? It's like being trapped in this mad how is making you hysterical!"

"Okay, okay. I just it's just me. Ever since I walked, well, was forced in here bad things have been happening left and right. I don't really care right now if my father is under a spell or not! I just want to get out of here as soon as possible," I pondered a way of escape.

I felt selfish and cruel, kinda like the Queen, but I truly didn't care. I could see Fawn and Antony seemed to have a worried expression on their face as if I had gone rogue.

"Are, are you okay Zo?" Fawn quietly said.

"Yeah, Zo. You..."

"Stop calling me Zo? You will call me Zofia, my full name and if the chance comes to call me by my middle name! Now let us get outta here..."

" ... um..." Antony mumbled

" ... um..." Fawn mumbled

"Well come on!" I tried to show them to the door and then I heard another familiar voice.

It wasn't Fawn, it wasn't Antony, it wasn't the Queen, it wasn't my mother and it certainly was not Neomi.

"Zofia Matilda Mayweather!"

There is only one person I know who has ever called me that...

"Well, don't just stand there! You have been here for at least five days and haven't even come to great your father?!"

I turned around and rushed over to greet him.

"Well, I see you haven't changed a bit since I left," I scowled.

"That was awfully rude now wasn't it."

Fauna and Antony rushed into the other hall to blabber about this strange encounter that they had actually seen.

"Antony, did you see that?! That was the weirdest father-daughter relationship I have ever seen!"

"Well, I mean, he is under a spell..."

"Have they always been weird like that?"

"Weird, but not like that."

"Wow..." Fauna pondered, "Wonder why..."

"Don't you know anything?"

" ... well..." Antony cut her off.

"Okay, he is under a spell. That I know you know that because you just said it. He decided on the arranged marriage. Um... anything I'm leaving out?"

"Not that I know of..."



Back in the other hallway Fauna and Antony could hear screaming and crying and smiling and laughing. Just about every emotion you could possibly think of. I really don't know why we hated each other some much at that time but we did. I like to tell myself that it was all the spell, all the spell. But I know there was more to it. There had to be, there just had to be! About a half hour later after arguing... wait... or was it... everything I was in my room again with just Fawn now.



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