Chapter 9: Naomi

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Told you I was gonna dedicate a chapter to Naomi.

Naomi is a 13-year-old girl, but she honestly looks to be at least in her twenties. Her hair is a dirty blond, maybe even a light brown. It's hard to tell really. Her eyes are icy blue and her skin, porcelain. She doesn't really have her own style because of her royal uniform but so you can just get a gist of it I'll try to explain.

The royal uniform is usually pretty dressy. Like, a dress. But because she was a guard my mother, the first one that is, had to make some adjustments to the normal attire. Instead of the traditional white lace with burlap fabric, she was given a shirt and pair of pants made from burlap and a steel suit to go over. She only wore the steel suit when she was on duty though.

I've none a lot of things about her but never thought to ask her age or her story of how she got here. I now know that the government of my people is a travesty. What the hell was my mother thinking of taking an innocent child away from its friends and family and enslaving her for the rest of her life? What kinda world do we live in people? What kind of person would act as... would act as my family does!? My culture!? My society!?

I'm done.

Am I leaving?

No, I'm saving!

I'm staying! I'm staying! I'm staying to save her, and all the other ruthlessly cruel acts my mother bestow on our people. How could I not notice?

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