Chapter 11: Court... :-(

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We walked into the courtroom five days after the ceremony. Eric, the guy I was supposed to get married to, still wasn't speaking to me and giving me the evil eye. Not that I necessarily care what he thinks of me, It's just that he has no reason to be mad. If anything he should be ecstatic that he doesn't have to spend the rest of his life with me.

Me, Nomi, Fauna, Antony, and the rest of the people on our side were walking down the hall into the courtroom.

The courtroom was pretty nice. It had velvet carpets and everything! I think Queeny, and sorta kinda my mother also, should have spent there taxpayers money much more wisely though. They could have used it so that we had more than one school, better law making bodies, exetera. We finally reached our seats in the front and sat down.

"Would you, Miss. Zofia Matilda Mayweather stand up?"

I stood.

"Would you, Mrs. Raven S. Mayweather please stand up?"

She stood up.

"Make your way to my desk, both of you."

We walked up to meet the juror/ministore, for all I know, he's the mayor too.

"So, let me get this right. Miss. Z. M. Mayweather, you believe that the Queen off this here aria has been drugging to King, your father, to do what she wants. And Mrs. R. S. Mayweather, you think she is incorrect and that she staged It so that she would not have to get married."


"Correct," Queeny said trying to be much more formal than me.

"May I see the drug?"

I walked over to the table were we kept our evidence and handed the bottle to the juror. It said,

For My Beloved,

Take 16 milligrams of this once a week to stay healthy and fit!

~Your Love

"Is there any way to test this out? Would anyone from the stands like to try this in defence of either the Queen or her daughter?"

"I would!" squeaked a small voice I the audience.

"This should only affect you for one week."

The man rushed over, he seemed to be about 18 or 19. He was a little scrawny but devilishly handsome. I was putty in his hands. He took the drug and all the sudden his pupils got smaller and he just stood there.

"Is everything alright?" I questioned him gazing into his eyes.

"I am now your servant, what would you like me to say?" he said very plainly.

The juror sat back astonished. He also seemed to have a bit of a love spell on him, I could see with the way he looked at me. Meaningless but meaningful. What have I discovered?!

"Why this is quite peculiar... a potion per say, that drug can make a human do whatever you what them to do and whatever you want them to say. It's just fantastic!"

"Yeah, fantastic sure, good never."

"No interrupting Miss. Mayweather!" he started to test it out, "Man, go to the store and pick up a bag of grapes. Put it on my charge account."

"Yes master. Yes." he said plainly.

"And talk normally..."

"Yes." he continued with a little more tone in his voice.

We all watched him exit, he came back 15 minutes latter.

"Well, Mrs. Mayweather. Do you have any evidence to prove her wrong?"

"Yes, may I sit in the chair?"

"Go ahead and repeat these words. I swear that the evidence I shall give will be truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

" I swear that the evidence I shall give will be truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god."

"Good, who shall testify you?"

"No one but the woman who I thought would stand by my side for all and eternity."

Naomi walked up with her head down. I could see the misery in her eyes, she had every right to be mad at me. Yet, it seemed to not even cross her mind.

"Did you, Mrs. Mayweather..." she spoke softly.

"Could you speak louder darling?"

"She's just a kid! Give her a break!" I yelled at the juror.

"You cannot order me around Miss. Mayweather!" stammered the judge.

I looked slyly down to my feet.

"Did you..." Naomi begin with much more force, " ... Mrs. Mayweather, ever see this bottle of mind controlling drugs before? Remember, your under oath"

" ... n-no, I mean, it was never supposed to get this far... y-n-nes."

"What?!" Naomi asked puzzled, she had never ever seen the Queen crack like this, "What did you say? And what about in getting to far... what got to far?!"

"I was lonesome at my old town, no friends or family, nothing. I started to get this urge, y'know, like when you have a little too much champagne. And I decided that I would..." Naomi cut her off.

"Please go deeper. You said you had a urge, a craving per say."

"Yes, yes that sounds about right."

"It sounds right, or it is?"

"It-it is."

"Good, now continue please."

The sent of the room was musky and salty. With know one swinging a fan over your every need it can get a bit hot. Especially considering that everyone was sweating, not over the heat of the room, but the heat of the court case.

"Well, I wanted something more. Something of my own. I wanted a husband, to like in a castle, to be great and wealthy. I knew that I was to hidiuse, not dull to get anything so I..."

"But your not dull, why would you think such a thing?"

"Just let me continue!" she yelped, "Well, to get back on track, I new this guy. He could do things that the average person just couldn't. I asked him to change my appearance (including history) and give me a potion. He didn't tell me that it was mind control, just, well, that it was a ;possibility for a terental down fall. He warned me..."

"But you didn't listen?" Naomi said trying to lead the quetune on into a deeper appearance.

"Well what does it look like? But there is one thing that I can say, I've never seen that bottle in my life!"

Her eyes bugged out and peered through me. I was in a pretty tough spot. 

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