The Weasley's

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"Harry, I have a conference tomorrow with several other potioneers. I know that you've had a lot of fun with the Weasley's before, so I thought that I would send you there for the few days," daddy said. Daddy was rocking in the rocking chair, Harry lying sleepily on his chest. His eyes opened and closed slowly as he had just woken up. A pacifier was in his mouth and he was gently sucking on it. Harry closed his eyes to the gentle rumble of daddy's chest that occurred whenever he spoke. Daddy smiled as he rubbed Harry's back. He knew that it would take a moment for Harry to understand what he had said. He looked down at his adorable sleepy baby, Harry looked up at him and smiled around the nipple. Daddy chuckled and began to pat Harry's bum. Harry moaned gently, loving the gentle, loving touch. A couple of minutes later, Harry sat up, fully awake.

"Hi, daddy!" Harry exclaimed. Daddy smiled at him. 

"You're goin' 'way?" Harry asked sadly. Daddy nodded. Harry pouted. He didn't want his daddy to go away, He wanted his daddy to stay here! Harry suddenly gaped at him.

"You're givin' Harry 'way to da Weaseys?" Harry asked shrilly, his breathing becoming fast and hard to control. Daddy wrapped Harry in his arms and hugged him tightly, calming him down.

"No, sweet boy. They are going to watch you just until I get back, and then we can be together after that," Daddy explained to Harry, his voice a whisper. Harry sighed with relief. He had been worried.

"Daddy, I no wanna go to the Weaseys, wanna to stay with you!" Harry said as he folded his arms. Daddy chuckled.

"I'm sorry," he said. Harry shifted. Daddy lifted him up and took him and laid Harry down on the floor. He pulled the onesie up to Harry's tummy and untaped the nappy. He then cleaned Harry's bum. Just as he reached for another nappy, Harry shot up and ran to the other side of the room in nothing but a t-shirt.

"Harry," Daddy warned. Harry shook his head. He wanted daddy to say that they could stay forever in their little home doing nothing but coloring, watching movies, and playing together. Daddy got to his feet. Harry shrieked and ran out of the room. Severus groaned and he picked up his pace. He made it to the living room, peeking in every room he passed. 

"Harry James! Get out here right now!" Daddy ordered. Harry peeked out from behind the couch. He thought about it. If he went out, that meant that he was going to have to go to the Weaseys. Perhaps if he stayed behind the couch just a little longer daddy would change his mind! That sounded like a plan! Harry remained crouched behind the couch, listening as daddy searched their home.

"Don't make me ask you again!" Daddy called. Harry felt his heart quicken. If he came out now, he was going to get in so much trouble! Harry still remained crouched down, not sure of what to do. Daddy suddenly reached his hands behind the couch and pulled Harry out. Harry stared at his very angry daddy. He wasn't sure if he should say anything. 

"Harry James Potter, do you realize how much trouble you're in?" Daddy asked, his voice getting louder and louder. Harry felt tears sting his eyes as daddy sat him down on the couch. His onesie was pulled up to reveal his bare bum. Harry squeezed out a tear as daddy brought his hand down hard on Harry. He did it again, and then one more time. 

Severus had decided that he should set rules for how he spanks Harry. He would only spank Harry three times for something that wasn't dangerous, for something that was dangerous, he would spank him five. 

"Ouch!" Harry cried as daddy set him down to look at him.

"We do not hide from daddy, ever. Do you understand? I didn't want you getting hurt or running away, I was worried about you." daddy asked. Harry nodded as more tears slipped down his face. Daddy pulled Harry close and hugged him, rubbing his sweaty back.

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