Nappy Changes, Nightmares, and Toys

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Snape's pov

I woke up due to crying. It took me a second to wake up and realize that it was coming from Harry.

"Daddy! Daddy, help me!" he was saying.  I quickly grabbed my wand and hurried out of my room down the hall. Was someone hurting my son? I stopped outside the room, took a deep breath, and prepared myself for what I was about to see. I opened the door.

"Lumos," I said, lighting up the room with my wand. Harry was awake and lying in his crib. It took me a second to figure out what was wrong. The potion had wore off. He was big again. I took in the sight of my crying little big boy. His onsie was all stretched out and looked extremely uncomfortable. His nappy had actually snapped off by the looks of it. His body was tightly cramped inside the crib. I quickly grabbed the potion in my pocket and gave it to him. He swallowed and immediately started sputtering and coughing. He shrunk back to look like a two year old. His onsie now hung on him loosely. He was still crying. I picked him up and began rocking to him.

"It's okay, baby," I whispered. Harry soon stopped crying but resorted to hiccups. I changed him out of his onsie and put a spell on the rest of his clothes and crib so that they would grow when he did. 

"Do you think you can go back to sleep now?" I asked. Harry shook his head and clung to me tighter, the occasional tear slipping down his face. I sat down on a chair int he corner and began to rock him. Pretty soon his eyes closed. I lay him back in his crib, sighed, and went back to my own bed.

Harry's pov (this takes place in the morning)

I woke up in the early morning as daylight was beginning to stream through my window. I sat up in my crib and looked around me, confused for a second. Where was I? Why was I wearing a nappy and onsie? Then it all came back to me of what had happened the day before. Oh boy! Why did these things have to happen to me? And to top it all off, I have to use the bathroom, but I can't take off my nappy. I really don't know what I'm going to do. 

I climbed out of my crib and walked over to the door. I still could not reach the door knob. Sighing, I sat down on the floor and began to play with my toes. For some reason that sounded fun to me. Baby humor, am I right? I started by counting them. Then I started singing the song about piggies. 

"Morning, Harry," came a voice from behind me, causing me to jump. I whirled around to see daddy watching me. I ran to him and gave him a big hug.

"Daddy, you no come get me when I woke up!" I said, feeling very exasperated. Daddy bent down to my level, although I hate it when he does this, it makes me feel short.

"Harry, did you climb out of your crib this morning?" he asked. I looked down at the floor.

"No, daddy," I said. 

"Really, is that so? Who took you out? Batman?" Daddy asked. I smiled up at him.

"Daddy, ba-man isn't real!" I laughed. He smiled back and lifted me up and put me on his shoulders. Yay, now I can be the tall one.

"Harry, it's okay, I'm not mad at you. I just don't want you getting hurt by climbing out. Next time, wait for me to get you out. Got it?" I nodded in response.

"Harry, got it?" Daddy asked me again. Oops, somehow I forgot that people can't hear nodding.

"Yeah, daddy, I gots it!" Daddy then took me down to my high chair. He walked to the kitchen to hopefully get my breakfast. I hope it's more of the warm milk in the bottle, that was so yummy! And indeed, daddy brought me a bottle of more milk. I held out my hands to take it, but my stupid clumsy baby fingers dropped the bottle. I began crying as it fell to the floor. Daddy picked it up and picked me up. He rocked me till I stopped crying and put the bottle up to my lips. I began to suck on the bottle. Oh, so good! I closed my eyes. Suddenly I heard humming which caused me to open my eyes. Daddy was humming! I recognized the song and began to hum along. 

"Harry, do you want to get some toys today?" Daddy asked as he set the now empty bottle of milk down.

"Yes, p'ease, daddy!" I exclaimed. Daddy set me down, handed me my dummy, and we began to walk out the door. We quickly disapparated away. As soon as we landed on the street right before the store, I clutched my stomach.

"Oh daddy, that huts!" I cried out. Daddy picked me up.

"Sorry baby, I should've warned you. Would you like me to warn you next time?" Daddy asked. 

"Yes, p'ease, daddy," I whispered. We entered the store. I looked around at all of the amazing toys! I had never had a toy of my own before. Only Dudley got toys, because he was a good boy. Suddenly my eyes welled up with tears. I wasn't a good boy. But wait, Daddy was getting me a toy! Did that mean I was a good boy?

"Daddy, am I good boy?" I asked eagerly. Daddy nodded. I smiled. I'm a good boy! He bent down to my level again.

"Harry, you point to me all of the toys that you don't like, okay?" Daddy asked. I nodded, a little bit confused at what he had in mind. I shook my head at all of the weird, ugly, or girly toys. Daddy pointed his wand at all the ones that I didn't shake my head at. The cashier took his wand and scanned it.

"Here you go!" She said as she handed us a box. Daddy took it, took my hand, and we disapparated away. We got to the house. Daddy opened the box and pulled out all of the toys he had pointed his wand at. Wow, that was a lot of toys. And a lot of money. The thought of all of that wasted money brought tears to my eyes. I put the toys back and closed the box, pushing it away.

"Harry? Don't you want your toys?" Daddy asked me. I shook my head.

"I wuv them, but it's a wot of money just for me!" Daddy smiled weakly and put a hand on my cheek. It felt as though I had melted like chocolate chips as soon as we came in contact. I moaned as soon as we touched. I wish he would do that more often. Suddenly I felt a pull in my tummy. My eyes widened. I really had to go! 

"Harry, I would part with all of the money in the world just for you! Do you understand me?" I nodded. Suddenly I grabbed myself. Oh, I had to go! Daddy raised his eybrows at my sudden movement. 

"Harry? Are you alright?" I was about to nod my head when I decided it would only make things worse. I shook my head.

"Daddy, I have to go," I whispered. Daddy picked me up and sat down with me in his lap over on the couch. 

"Harry, listen to me. This will be one of the hardest things you will have to do in my care. I need you to look into me eyes. Good. Now I want you to take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. Okay, now relax." I tried to relax, but I was just to ashamed to use my nappy, especially in my old professor's lap! And then the fact that he would have to change me. Suddenly, my stomach gave a jolt. I winced.

"Daddy, help me! It huts!" I yelled. Daddy then began to gently massage my lower abdomen, with each push, he increased the pressure a little more. I took another deep breath and relaxed. I then began to cry. I was using the bathroom in my professor's lap. The worst part was, you could hear it.  And then it was over. Daddy sat me up and rubbed my back to calm me. I hiccuped. My nappy was now all soggy and gross. I wanted it off. Daddy took me up to my room and lay me on the floor. He grabbed over another nappy, and some baby wipes. I tensed up as soon as he undid my onsie. And then he undid the tapes. I gulped. I couldn't help but stare at his face as he began to clean me. When the wipes hit, I tensed some more.

"Code, daddy," I whispered. Daddy bent down and kissed my forehead before continuing. He moved on to a white cream.

"Harry, I need to put this cream on you so that you don't get a rash. I just want to let you know what I'm doing," said daddy as he began to smear cream on my bum. I was just laying on the floor, real uncomfortable. I wish my seventeen year old mind wasn't here right now, then it would be a whole lot easier. And then daddy was done. gave me the new clean nappy and taped it up. He buttoned up my onsie, and stood me up.

"Now, was that so bad?" he asked. 

"Yes." This got daddy chuckling. Oh well, I guess it was not bad, just extremely awkward.

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